PDFRCW 43.362.060

Participation in regional transfer of development rights programRequirementsIncentives for developers.

(1) Counties, cities, and towns that choose to participate in the regional transfer of development rights program must:
(a) Enter into an interlocal agreement or adopt a resolution adopting by reference the provisions in the department rule authorized in RCW 43.362.050; and
(b) Adopt transfer of development rights policies or implement development regulations that:
(i) Comply with chapter 36.70A RCW;
(ii) Designate sending or receiving areas consistent with RCW 43.362.030 through 43.362.070; and
(iii) Adopt a sending or receiving area ratio in cooperation with the sending or receiving jurisdiction.
(2) Cities and towns that choose to participate in the regional transfer of development rights program are encouraged to provide permitting or environmental review incentives for developers to participate. Such incentives may include, but are not limited to, provision for by-right permitting, substantial environmental review of a subarea plan for the receiving area that includes the use of transferable development rights, adoption of a categorical exemption for infill under RCW 43.21C.229 for a receiving area, or adoption of a planned action under RCW 43.21C.240.
[ 2009 c 474 s 6.]