(1) Collective bargaining negotiations under this chapter must commence no later than July 1st of each even-numbered year after a bargaining unit has been certified.
(2) The duration of any collective bargaining agreement shall not exceed one fiscal biennium.
(3)(a) The director must submit ratified collective bargaining agreements, with cost estimates, to the employer by October 1st before the legislative session at which the request for funds is to be considered. The transmission by the legislature to the governor under RCW
43.88.090 must include a request for funds necessary to implement the provisions of all collective bargaining agreements covering legislative employees.
(b) If the legislature or governor fails to provide the funds for a collective bargaining agreement for legislative employees, either party may reopen all or part of the agreement or the exclusive bargaining representative may seek to implement the procedures provided for in RCW
(4) Negotiation for economic terms will be by a coalition of all exclusive bargaining representatives. Any such provisions agreed to by the employer and the coalition must be included in all collective bargaining agreements negotiated by the parties. The director and the exclusive bargaining representative or representatives are authorized to enter into supplemental bargaining of bargaining unit specific issues for inclusion in the collective bargaining agreement, subject to the parties' agreement regarding the issues and procedures for supplemental bargaining. This subsection does not prohibit cooperation and coordination of bargaining between two or more exclusive bargaining representatives.
(5) If a significant revenue shortfall occurs resulting in reduced appropriations, as declared by proclamation of the governor or by resolution of the legislature, both parties must immediately enter into collective bargaining for a mutually agreed-upon modification of the agreement.