Title 46 RCW



46.01Department of licensing.
46.08General provisions.
46.09Off-road, nonhighway, and wheeled all-terrain vehicles.
46.12Certificates of title.
46.17Vehicle fees.
46.18Special license plates.
46.19Special parking privileges for persons with disabilities.
46.20Drivers' licensesIdenticards.
46.21Driver license compact.
46.22Vehicle and driver data.
46.23Nonresident violator compact.
46.25Uniform commercial driver's license act.
46.29Financial responsibility.
46.30Mandatory liability insurance.
46.32Vehicle inspection.
46.35Recording devices in motor vehicles.
46.37Vehicle lighting and other equipment.
46.44Size, weight, load.
46.48Transportation of hazardous materials.
46.52AccidentsReportsAbandoned vehicles.
46.53Abandoned recreational vehicles.
46.55Towing and impoundment.
46.61Rules of the road.
46.63Disposition of traffic infractions.
46.65Washington habitual traffic offenders act.
46.66Washington auto theft prevention authority.
46.68Disposition of revenue.
46.70Dealers and manufacturers.
46.71Automotive repair.
46.72Transportation of passengers in for hire vehicles.
46.72BTransportation network companies.
46.73Private carrier drivers.
46.74Ride sharing.
46.74APeer-to-peer vehicle sharing program act.
46.75Personal delivery devices.
46.76Motor vehicle transporters.
46.79Hulk haulers and scrap processors.
46.80Vehicle wreckers.
46.81AMotorcycle skills education program.
46.82Driver training schools.
46.83Traffic schools.
46.85Reciprocal or proportional registration of vehicles.
46.87Proportional registration.
46.90Washington model traffic ordinance.
46.92Autonomous motor vehicles.
46.93Motorsports vehiclesDealer and manufacturer franchises.
46.95Recreational vehicle manufacturers and dealers.
46.96Manufacturers' and dealers' franchise agreements.


Aircraft and airman regulations: Chapter 14.16 RCW.
Aircraft dealers: Chapter 14.20 RCW.
Ambulances and drivers: RCW 70.54.060, 70.54.065.
Auto transportation companies: Title 81 RCW.
Bicycles, regulation by cities: Chapter 35.75 RCW.
Consumer protection: Chapter 19.86 RCW.
controlled substances, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles: RCW 69.50.505.
driving while intoxicated while engaged in occupational duties: RCW 9.91.020.
firearms in vehicle: RCW 9.41.050, 9.41.060.
taking motor vehicle without permission in the first or second degree: RCW 9A.56.070, 9A.56.075.
vehicle prowling: RCW 9A.52.095, 9A.52.100.
Driver training education courses: Chapter 28A.220 RCW.
Emission control program: Chapter 70A.25 RCW.
Explosives, regulation: Chapter 70.74 RCW.
Fireworks, regulation, transportation: Chapter 70.77 RCW.
Highway funds, use, constitutional limitations: State Constitution Art. 2 s 40 (Amendment 18).
Hulk haulers and scrap processors: Chapter 46.79 RCW.
Juveniles, court to forward record to director of licensing: RCW 13.50.200.
Leases: Chapter 62A.2A RCW.
"Lemon Law": Chapter 19.118 RCW.
Limited access highways, violations: RCW 47.52.120.
Littering: Chapter 70A.200 RCW.
Marine employeesPublic employment relations: Chapter 47.64 RCW.
Motor boat regulation: Chapter 79A.60 RCW.
Motor vehicle use tax: Chapter 82.12 RCW.
Motor vehicle fund income from United States securitiesExemption from reserve fund requirement: RCW 43.84.095.
State patrol: Chapter 43.43 RCW.
Toll bridges: Chapters 47.56, 47.60 RCW.
Traffic control at worksites: RCW 47.36.200.
Traffic safety commission: Chapter 43.59 RCW.
Transit vehicles, unlawful conduct in: RCW 9.91.025.
Warranties, express: Chapter 19.118 RCW.