Finding—Intent—2021 c 158: "The legislature finds that a driver's license or identicard is a fundamental document that Washingtonians need to live, work, drive, and access essential needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reduced the department of licensing's ability to provide in-person driver licensing services, resulting in a growing backlog of customers that cannot access the agency's critical services. This act is intended to address that backlog by expanding online renewals, extending driver's license and identicard issuance up to eight years, and providing more online options for instruction permits. The legislature recognizes the critical role of the department of licensing's frontline staff during the pandemic and does not intend that this act will result in staffing reductions at the department of licensing now or in the future. To ensure that a driver's license and identicard remain affordable for Washington residents, the legislature intends for the department of licensing to continue to offer a six-year issuance option. The legislature further recognizes the potential of remote photo capture to enable expanded online renewals while ensuring that customer information remains updated. In implementing remote photo capture, the legislature intends that the department of licensing will prioritize data security and antifraud features as well as closely monitor its usage. The legislature also intends that within a year of initial implementation of remote photo capture, driver's license and identicard photos should be updated with each renewal whenever possible, recognizing that technology limitations and other challenges will prevent some customers from using remote photo capture." [
2021 c 158 s 1.]