PDFRCW 48.21.260

Conversion policy to be offeredExceptions, conditions.

(1) Except as otherwise provided by this section, any group disability insurance policy that provides benefits for hospital or medical expenses must contain a provision granting a person covered by the group policy the right to obtain a conversion policy from the insurer upon termination of the person's eligibility for coverage under the group policy.
(2) An insurer need not offer a conversion policy to:
(a) A person whose coverage under the group policy ended when the person's employment or membership was terminated for misconduct: PROVIDED, That when a person's employment or membership is terminated for misconduct, a conversion policy shall be offered to the spouse and/or dependents of the terminated employee or member. The policy shall include in the conversion provisions the same conversion rights and conditions which are available to employees or members and their spouses and/or dependents who are terminated for reasons other than misconduct;
(b) A person who is eligible for federal medicare coverage; or
(c) A person who is covered under another group plan, policy, contract, or agreement providing benefits for hospital or medical care.
(3) To obtain the conversion policy, a person must submit a written application and the first premium payment for the conversion policy not later than thirty-one days after the date the person's group coverage terminates or thirty-one days after the date the person received notice of termination of coverage, whichever is later. The conversion policy shall become effective, without lapse of coverage, immediately following termination of coverage under the group policy.
(4) If an insurer or group policyholder does not renew, cancels, or otherwise terminates the group policy, the insurer must offer a conversion policy to any person who was covered under the terminated policy unless the person is eligible to obtain group hospital or medical expense coverage within thirty-one days after such nonrenewal, cancellation, or termination of the group policy or thirty-one days after the date the person received notice of termination of coverage, whichever is later.
(5) The insurer shall determine the premium for the conversion policy in accordance with the insurer's table of premium rates applicable to the age and class of risk of each person to be covered under the policy and the type and amount of benefits provided.
[ 2010 c 110 s 1; 1984 c 190 s 3.]


Application2010 c 110: "This act applies to any group disability insurance policy, group health care service contract, and group health maintenance agreement issued, entered into, or renewed on or after January 1, 2011." [ 2010 c 110 s 4.]
Legislative intentSeverability1984 c 190: See notes following RCW 48.21.250.