PDFRCW 57.08.060

Powers as to street lighting systemsEstablishment.

In addition to the powers given districts by law, a district shall also have power to acquire, construct, maintain, operate, and develop street lighting systems.
To establish a street lighting system, the board of commissioners shall adopt a resolution proposing a street lighting system and delineating the boundaries of the area to be served by the proposed street lighting system. The board shall conduct a public hearing on the resolution to create a street lighting system. Notice of the hearing shall be published at least once each week for two consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the area to be served by the proposed street lighting system. Following the hearing, the board may by resolution establish the street lighting system.
A street lighting system shall not be established if, within thirty days following the decision of the board, a petition opposing the street lighting system is filed with the board and contains the signatures of at least forty percent of the voters registered in the area to be served by the proposed system.
The district has the same powers of imposing charges for providing street lighting, collecting delinquent street lighting charges, and financing street lighting systems by issuing general obligation bonds, issuing revenue bonds, and creating improvement districts as it has for imposing charges for providing water, collecting delinquent water service charges, and financing water systems by issuing general obligation bonds, issuing revenue bonds, and creating improvement districts.
[ 1996 c 230 s 312; 1987 c 449 s 11; 1982 c 105 s 1; 1941 c 68 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11604-12.]


Part headings not lawEffective date1996 c 230: See notes following RCW 57.02.001.