PDFRCW 67.38.030

Cultural arts, stadium and convention districtCreation.

(1) The process to create a cultural arts, stadium and convention district may be initiated by:
(a) The adoption of a resolution by the county legislative authority calling for a public hearing on the proposed creation of such a district and delineating proposed boundaries of the district; or
(b) The governing bodies of two or more cities located within the same county adopting resolutions calling for a public hearing on the proposed creation of such a district and delineating proposed boundaries of such a district: PROVIDED, That this method may not be used more frequently than once in any twelve-month period in the same county; or
(c) The filing of a petition with the county legislative authority, calling for a public hearing on the proposed creation of such a district and delineating proposed boundaries of the district, that is signed by at least ten percent of the registered voters residing in the proposed district at the last general election. Such signatures will be certified by the county auditor or the county elections department.
(2) Within sixty days of the adoption of such resolutions, or presentation of such a petition, the county legislative authority shall hold a public hearing on the proposed creation of such a district. Notice of the hearing shall be published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the proposed boundaries of the district. The notice shall include a general description and map of the proposed boundaries. Additional notice shall also be mailed to the governing body of each city and municipality located all or partially within the proposed district. At such hearing, or any continuation thereof, any interested party may appear and be heard on the formation of the proposed district.
The county legislative authority shall delete the area included within the boundaries of a city from the proposed district if prior to the public hearing the city submits to the county legislative authority a copy of an adopted resolution requesting its deletion from the proposed district. The county legislative authority may delete any other areas from the proposed boundaries. Additional territory may be included within the proposed boundaries, but only if such inclusion is subject to a subsequent hearing, with notice provided in the same manner as for the original hearing.
(3) A proposition to create a cultural arts, stadium and convention district shall be submitted to the voters of the proposed district within two years of the adoption of a resolution providing for such submittal by the county legislative authority at the conclusion of such hearings. The resolution shall establish the boundaries of the district and include a finding that the creation of the district is in the public interest and that the area included within the district can reasonably be expected to benefit from its creation. No portion of a city may be included in such a district unless the entire city is included. The boundaries of such a district shall follow school district or community college boundaries in as far as practicable.
(4) The proposition to create a cultural arts, stadium and convention district shall be submitted to the voters of the proposed district at the next general election held sixty or more days after the adoption of the resolution. The district shall be created upon approval of the proposition by simple majority vote. The ballot proposition submitted to the voters shall be in substantially the following form:
DISTRICT . . . . . .
Shall a cultural arts, stadium and convention district be established for the area described in a resolution of the legislative authority of . . . . . . county, adopted on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., (year) . . . .?
. . . .
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[ 2016 c 202 s 48; 1982 1st ex.s. c 22 s 3.]