PDFRCW 69.30.140


Except as provided in RCW 69.30.085(4), any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. A conviction is an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure the defendant's appearance in court, the payment of a fine, a plea of guilty, or a finding of guilt on a violation of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, regardless of whether imposition of sentence is deferred or the penalty is suspended, and shall be treated as a conviction for purposes of license revocation and suspension of privileges under *RCW 77.15.700(5).
[ 2011 c 194 s 9; 2001 c 253 s 7; 1995 c 147 s 6; 1985 c 51 s 6; 1955 c 144 s 14.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 77.15.700 was amended by 2003 c 386 s 2, deleting subsection (5).