PDFRCW 70A.382.010

Pacific States Agreement on Radioactive Materials Transportation Management.

The Pacific States Agreement on Radioactive Materials Transportation Management is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the state of Washington as a party, and is in full force and effect between the state and other states joining the agreement in accordance with its terms.
ARTICLE IPolicy and Purpose
The party states recognize that protection of the health and safety of citizens and the environment, and the most economical transportation of radioactive materials, can be accomplished through cooperation and coordination among neighboring states. It is the purpose of this agreement to establish a committee comprised of representatives from each party state to further cooperation between the states on emergency response and to coordinate activities by the states to eliminate unnecessary duplication of rules and regulations regarding the transportation and handling of radioactive material.
The party states intend that this agreement facilitate both interstate commerce and protection of public health and the environment. To accomplish this goal, the party states direct the committee to develop model regulatory standards for party states to act upon and direct the committee to coordinate decisions by party states relating to the routing and inspection of shipments of radioactive material.
ARTICLE IIDefinitions
As used in this agreement:
(1) "Carrier" includes common, private, and contract carriers.
(2) "Hazardous material" means a substance or material which has been determined by the United States department of transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce, and which has been so designated.
(3) "Radioactive material" has the meaning given that term in federal department of transportation regulations found in 49 C.F.R. Sec. 173, and includes, but is not limited to, high-level radioactive waste, low-level radioactive waste, and spent nuclear fuel, as defined in section 2 of the nuclear waste policy act of 1982 (96 Stat. 2202; 42 U.S.C.A. Sec. 10101).
(4) "Transportation" means the transport by any means of radioactive material destined for or derived from any location, and any loading, unloading, or storage incident to such transport. "Transportation" does not include permanent storage or disposal of the material.
ARTICLE IIIRegulatory Practices
Section 1. The party states agree to develop model standards, not in conflict with federal law or regulations, for carriers of radioactive material to provide information regarding:
(1) The amount and kind of material transported;
(2) The mode of transportation and, to the extent feasible, the route or routes and the time schedule;
(3) The carrier's compliance with local, state, and federal rules and regulations related to radioactive material transportation;
(4) The carrier's compliance with federal and state liability insurance requirements.
Section 2. Consistent with federal law or regulations pertaining to transportation of radioactive material, the party states also agree to:
(1) Develop model uniform procedures for issuing permits to carriers;
(2) Develop model uniform recordkeeping processes that allow access on demand by each state;
(3) Develop model uniform safety standards for carriers;
(4) Coordinate routing of shipments of radioactive materials;
(5) Develop a method for coordinating the party states' emergency response plans to provide for regional emergency response including (a) systems for sharing information essential to radiation control efforts, (b) systems for sharing emergency response personnel, and (c) a method to allocate costs and clarify liability when a party state or its officers request or render emergency response;
(6) Recommend parking requirements for motor vehicles transporting radioactive materials;
(7) Coordinate state inspections of carriers; and
(8) Develop other cooperative arrangements and agreements to enhance safety.
Section 3. The party states also agree to coordinate emergency response training and preparedness drills among the party states, Indian tribes, and affected political subdivisions of the party states, and, if possible, with federal agencies.
Section 4. The party states recognize that the transportation management of hazardous waste and hazardous materials is similar in many respects to that of radioactive materials. The party states, therefore, agree to confer as to transportation management and emergency response for those items where similarities in management exist.
ARTICLE IVPacific States Radioactive Materials
Transportation Committee
Section 1. Each party state shall designate one official of that state to confer with appropriate legislative committees and with other officials of that state responsible for managing transportation of radioactive material and with affected Indian tribes and be responsible for administration of this agreement. The officials so designated shall together comprise the Pacific states radioactive materials transportation committee. The committee shall meet as required to consider and, where necessary, coordinate matters addressed in this agreement. The parties shall inform the committee of existing regulations concerning radioactive materials transportation management in their states, and shall afford all parties a reasonable opportunity to review and comment upon any proposed modifications in such regulations.
Section 2. The committee may also engage in long-term planning to assure safe and economical management of radioactive material transportation on a continuing basis.
Section 3. To the extent practicable, the committee shall coordinate its activities with those of other organizations.
ARTICLE VEligible Parties and Effective Date
Section 1. The states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are eligible to become a party to this agreement. As to any eligible party, this agreement shall become effective upon enactment into law by that party, but it shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by two states. Any party state may withdraw from this agreement by enacting a statute repealing its approval.
Section 2. After the agreement has initially taken effect under section 1 of this article, any eligible party state may become a party to this agreement by the execution of an executive order by the governor of the state. Any state which becomes a party in this manner shall cease to be a party upon the final adjournment of the next general or regular session of its legislature or July 1, 1988, whichever occurs first, unless the agreement has by then been enacted as a statute by that state.
ARTICLE VISeverability
If any provision of this agreement, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, all other provisions of this agreement, and the application of all of its provisions to all other persons and circumstances, shall remain valid; and to this end the provisions of this agreement are severable.
[ 1987 c 90 s 1. Formerly RCW 43.146.010.]