PDFRCW 70A.535.130

FeeClean fuels program accountRule making to be conducted as provided in RCW 34.05.328.

(1) The department may require that persons that are required or elect to register or report under this chapter pay a fee. If the department elects to require program participants to pay a fee, the department must, after an opportunity for public review and comment, adopt rules to establish a process to determine the payment schedule and the amount of the fee charged. The amount of the fee must be set so as to equal but not exceed the projected direct and indirect costs to the department for developing and implementing the program and the projected direct and indirect costs to the department of commerce to carry out its responsibilities under RCW 70A.535.100. The department and the department of commerce must prepare a biennial workload analysis and provide an opportunity for public review of and comment on the workload analysis. The department shall enter into an interagency agreement with the department of commerce to implement this section.
(2) The clean fuels program account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from fees and penalties received under the program created in this chapter must be deposited into the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. The department may only use expenditures from the account for carrying out the program created in this chapter.
(3) All rule making authorized under chapter 317, Laws of 2021 must be conducted according to the standards for significant legislative rules provided in RCW 34.05.328.
[ 2021 c 317 s 14.]


Severability2021 c 317: See note following RCW 70A.535.005.