PDFRCW 77.12.230

Local assessments against department property.

The director may pay lawful local improvement district assessments for projects that may benefit wildlife or wildlife-oriented recreation made against lands held by the state for department purposes. The payments may be made from money appropriated from the fish, wildlife, and conservation account created in RCW 77.12.170(3) to the department.
[ 2020 c 148 s 10; 2009 c 333 s 34; 1987 c 506 s 32; 1980 c 78 s 40; 1955 c 36 s 77.12.230. Prior: 1947 c 275 s 32; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 5992-42.]


IntentEffective date2020 c 148: See notes following RCW 77.12.170.
Legislative findings and intent1987 c 506: See note following RCW 77.04.020.
Effective dateIntent, constructionSavingsSeverability1980 c 78: See notes following RCW 77.04.010.