The following rivers of the state of Washington are hereby designated as being in the scenic river system of the state of Washington:
(1) The Skykomish river from the junction of the north and south forks of the Skykomish river:
(a) Downstream approximately fourteen miles to its junction with the Sultan river;
(b) Upstream approximately twenty miles on the south fork to the junction of the Tye and Foss rivers;
(c) Upstream approximately eleven miles on the north fork to its junction with Bear creek;
(2) The Beckler river from its junction with the south fork of the Skykomish river upstream approximately eight miles to its junction with Rapid river;
(3) The Tye river from its junction with the south fork of the Skykomish river upstream approximately fourteen miles to Tye Lake; and
(4) The Little Spokane river from the upstream boundary of the state park boat put-in site near Rutter parkway and downstream to its confluence with the Spokane river.