PDFRCW 81.64.080

Fares and transfers.

No street railroad company shall charge, demand or collect more than five cents for one continuous ride within the corporate limits of any city or town: PROVIDED, That such rate may be exceeded or lowered as to any municipally owned street railroad when the corporate authorities of the municipality owning such railroad shall, by an ordinance duly passed, authorize the collection of a higher or lower rate of fare, to be specified in such ordinance, and as to any other street railroad company, such rate may be exceeded or lowered with the permission or upon the order of the commission after the filing of a tariff or a complaint by such street railroad company and a hearing thereon as provided in this title. Every street railroad company shall, upon such terms as shall be just and reasonable, furnish to its passengers transfers entitling such passenger to one continuous trip over and upon portions of its lines within the said city or town not reached by the originating car.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.64.080. Prior: 1919 c 33 s 1; 1911 c 117 s 25; RRS s 10361.]