PDFRCW 81.116.030

Filing of revised tariffRequirementsNotice of petitionEffective dateBurden of proof.

(1) Any person with a substantial interest may file with the commission a revised tariff with an effective date no earlier than thirty days from the date of filing and no earlier than one year following the effective date the tariffs in effect at the time of filing were established.
(2) The proposed tariff must be accompanied by:
(a) The names and contact information of the person or persons requesting the tariff revision;
(b) A description of why the existing tariffs are not fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient, along with financial information to demonstrate a need for the tariff revision and information addressing the criteria for approval of tariff revisions set forth in RCW 81.116.020(3);
(c) If the petitioner proposes a tariff with an annual or periodic adjustment mechanism, information justifying such a mechanism; and
(d) Any other information required by the commission by rule or by order.
(3) After receipt of a proper petition, the commission shall give notice of the petition to interested persons that have stated a desire to be notified pursuant to RCW 81.116.020(2). Any person with a substantial interest in the proposed tariff revision may submit comments in support or opposition of the petition within twenty days of the notice.
(4) The filed tariff shall take effect on its stated effective date unless, within thirty days of filing of the tariff, the commission suspends it. The commission may suspend the tariff for a period not exceeding ten months from the time the change would otherwise go into effect. During that time, the commission may set the matter for a hearing pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW or set the matter for consideration at a subsequent open public meeting.
(5) The burden of proof to show that the tariff rates are not fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient is upon the person with a substantial interest that files the revised tariff.
[ 2018 c 107 s 9.]


Effective date2018 c 107: See note following RCW 88.16.055.