PDFRCW 82.02.080

Impact feesRefunds.

(1) The current owner of property on which an impact fee has been paid may receive a refund of such fees if the county, city, or town fails to expend or encumber the impact fees within ten years of when the fees were paid or other such period of time established pursuant to RCW 82.02.070(3) on public facilities intended to benefit the development activity for which the impact fees were paid. In determining whether impact fees have been encumbered, impact fees shall be considered encumbered on a first in, first out basis. The county, city, or town shall notify potential claimants by first-class mail deposited with the United States postal service at the last known address of claimants.
The request for a refund must be submitted to the county, city, or town governing body in writing within one year of the date the right to claim the refund arises or the date that notice is given, whichever is later. Any impact fees that are not expended within these time limitations, and for which no application for a refund has been made within this one-year period, shall be retained and expended on the indicated capital facilities. Refunds of impact fees under this subsection shall include interest earned on the impact fees.
(2) When a county, city, or town seeks to terminate any or all impact fee requirements, all unexpended or unencumbered funds, including interest earned, shall be refunded pursuant to this section. Upon the finding that any or all fee requirements are to be terminated, the county, city, or town shall place notice of such termination and the availability of refunds in a newspaper of general circulation at least two times and shall notify all potential claimants by first-class mail to the last known address of claimants. All funds available for refund shall be retained for a period of one year. At the end of one year, any remaining funds shall be retained by the local government, but must be expended for the indicated public facilities. This notice requirement shall not apply if there are no unexpended or unencumbered balances within an account or accounts being terminated.
(3) A developer may request and shall receive a refund, including interest earned on the impact fees, when the developer does not proceed with the development activity and no impact has resulted.
[ 2011 c 353 s 9; 1990 1st ex.s. c 17 s 47.]


Intent2011 c 353: See note following RCW 36.70A.130.
SeverabilityPart, section headings not law1990 1st ex.s. c 17: See RCW 36.70A.900 and 36.70A.901.