PDFRCW 82.08.010


For the purposes of this chapter:
(1)(a)(i) "Selling price" includes "sales price." "Sales price" means the total amount of consideration, except separately stated trade-in property of like kind, including cash, credit, property, and services, for which tangible personal property, extended warranties, digital goods, digital codes, digital automated services, or other services or anything else defined as a "retail sale" under RCW 82.04.050 are sold, leased, or rented, valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (1), no deduction from the total amount of consideration is allowed for the following: (A) The seller's cost of the property sold; (B) the cost of materials used, labor or service cost, interest, losses, all costs of transportation to the seller, all taxes imposed on the seller, and any other expense of the seller; (C) charges by the seller for any services necessary to complete the sale, other than delivery and installation charges; (D) delivery charges; and (E) installation charges.
(ii) When tangible personal property is rented or leased under circumstances that the consideration paid does not represent a reasonable rental for the use of the articles so rented or leased, the "selling price" must be determined as nearly as possible according to the value of such use at the places of use of similar products of like quality and character under such rules as the department may prescribe;
(b) "Selling price" or "sales price" does not include: Discounts, including cash, term, or coupons that are not reimbursed by a third party that are allowed by a seller and taken by a purchaser on a sale; interest, financing, and carrying charges from credit extended on the sale of tangible personal property, extended warranties, digital goods, digital codes, digital automated services, or other services or anything else defined as a retail sale in RCW 82.04.050, if the amount is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the purchaser; and any taxes legally imposed directly on the consumer, or collected from the consumer pursuant to RCW 35.87A.010(2)(b), that are separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the purchaser;
(c) "Selling price" or "sales price" includes consideration received by the seller from a third party if:
(i) The seller actually receives consideration from a party other than the purchaser, and the consideration is directly related to a price reduction or discount on the sale;
(ii) The seller has an obligation to pass the price reduction or discount through to the purchaser;
(iii) The amount of the consideration attributable to the sale is fixed and determinable by the seller at the time of the sale of the item to the purchaser; and
(iv) One of the criteria in this subsection (1)(c)(iv) is met:
(A) The purchaser presents a coupon, certificate, or other documentation to the seller to claim a price reduction or discount where the coupon, certificate, or documentation is authorized, distributed, or granted by a third party with the understanding that the third party will reimburse any seller to whom the coupon, certificate, or documentation is presented;
(B) The purchaser identifies himself or herself to the seller as a member of a group or organization entitled to a price reduction or discount, however a "preferred customer" card that is available to any patron does not constitute membership in such a group; or
(C) The price reduction or discount is identified as a third party price reduction or discount on the invoice received by the purchaser or on a coupon, certificate, or other documentation presented by the purchaser;
(2)(a)(i) "Seller" means every person, including the state and its departments and institutions, making sales at retail or retail sales to a buyer, purchaser, or consumer, whether as agent, broker, or principal, except as otherwise provided in this subsection (2).
(ii) "Seller" includes marketplace facilitators, whether making sales in their own right or facilitating sales on behalf of marketplace sellers.
(b)(i) "Seller" does not include:
(A) The state and its departments and institutions when making sales to the state and its departments and institutions; or
(B) A professional employer organization when a covered employee coemployed with the client under the terms of a professional employer agreement engages in activities that constitute a sale at retail that is subject to the tax imposed by this chapter. In such cases, the client, and not the professional employer organization, is deemed to be the seller and is responsible for collecting and remitting the tax imposed by this chapter.
(ii) For the purposes of this subsection (2)(b), the terms "client," "covered employee," "professional employer agreement," and "professional employer organization" have the same meanings as in RCW 82.04.540;
(3) "Buyer," "purchaser," and "consumer" include, without limiting the scope hereof, every individual, receiver, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, copartnership, joint venture, club, company, joint stock company, business trust, corporation, association, society, or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit, or otherwise, municipal corporation, quasi municipal corporation, and also the state, its departments and institutions and all political subdivisions thereof, irrespective of the nature of the activities engaged in or functions performed, and also the United States or any instrumentality thereof;
(4) "Delivery charges" means charges by the seller of personal property or services for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the purchaser of personal property or services including, but not limited to, transportation, shipping, postage, handling, crating, and packing;
(5) "Direct mail" means printed material delivered or distributed by United States mail or other delivery service to a mass audience or to addressees on a mailing list provided by the purchaser or at the direction of the purchaser when the cost of the items are not billed directly to the recipients. "Direct mail" includes tangible personal property supplied directly or indirectly by the purchaser to the direct mail seller for inclusion in the package containing the printed material. "Direct mail" does not include multiple items of printed material delivered to a single address;
(6) The meaning attributed in chapter 82.04 RCW to the terms "tax year," "taxable year," "person," "company," "sale," "sale at wholesale," "wholesale," "business," "engaging in business," "cash discount," "successor," "consumer," "in this state," "within this state," "cannabis," "useable cannabis," and "cannabis-infused products" applies equally to the provisions of this chapter;
(7) For the purposes of the taxes imposed under this chapter and under chapter 82.12 RCW, "tangible personal property" means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, or that is in any other manner perceptible to the senses. Tangible personal property includes electricity, water, gas, steam, and prewritten computer software;
(8) "Extended warranty" has the same meaning as in RCW 82.04.050(7);
(9) The definitions in RCW 82.04.192 apply to this chapter;
(10) For the purposes of the taxes imposed under this chapter and chapter 82.12 RCW, whenever the terms "property" or "personal property" are used, those terms must be construed to include digital goods and digital codes unless:
(a) It is clear from the context that the term "personal property" is intended only to refer to tangible personal property;
(b) It is clear from the context that the term "property" is intended only to refer to tangible personal property, real property, or both; or
(c) To construe the term "property" or "personal property" as including digital goods and digital codes would yield unlikely, absurd, or strained consequences; and
(11) "Retail sale" or "sale at retail" means any sale, lease, or rental for any purpose other than for resale, sublease, or subrent.
(12) The terms "agriculture," "farming," "horticulture," "horticultural," and "horticultural product" may not be construed to include or relate to cannabis, useable cannabis, or cannabis-infused products unless the applicable term is explicitly defined to include cannabis, useable cannabis, or cannabis-infused products.
(13)(a) "Affiliated person" means a person that, with respect to another person:
(i) Has an ownership interest of more than five percent, whether direct or indirect, in the other person; or
(ii) Is related to the other person because a third person, or group of third persons who are affiliated persons with respect to each other, holds an ownership interest of more than five percent, whether direct or indirect, in the related persons.
(b) For purposes of this subsection (13):
(i) "Ownership interest" means the possession of equity in the capital, the stock, or the profits of the other person; and
(ii) An indirect ownership interest in a person is an ownership interest in an entity that has an ownership interest in the person or in an entity that has an indirect ownership interest in the person.
(14) "Marketplace" means a physical or electronic place, including, but not limited to, a store, a booth, an internet website, a catalog or a dedicated sales software application, where tangible personal property, digital codes and digital products, or services are offered for sale.
(15)(a) "Marketplace facilitator" means a person that:
(i) Contracts with sellers to facilitate for consideration, regardless of whether deducted as fees from the transaction, the sale of the seller's products through a marketplace owned or operated by the person;
(ii) Engages directly or indirectly, through one or more affiliated persons, in transmitting or otherwise communicating the offer or acceptance between the buyer and seller. For purposes of this subsection, mere advertising does not constitute transmitting or otherwise communicating the offer or acceptance between the buyer and seller; and
(iii) Engages directly or indirectly, through one or more affiliated persons, in any of the following activities with respect to the seller's products:
(A) Payment processing services;
(B) Fulfillment or storage services;
(C) Listing products for sale;
(D) Setting prices;
(E) Branding sales as those of the marketplace facilitator;
(F) Taking orders; or
(G) Providing customer service or accepting or assisting with returns or exchanges.
(b)(i) "Marketplace facilitator" does not include:
(A) A person who provides internet advertising services, including listing products for sale, so long as the person does not also engage in the activity described in (a)(ii) of this subsection (15) in addition to any of the activities described in (a)(iii) of this subsection (15); or
(B) A person with respect to the provision of travel agency services or the operation of a marketplace or that portion of a marketplace that enables consumers to purchase transient lodging accommodations in a hotel or other commercial transient lodging facility.
(ii) The exclusion in this subsection (15)(b) does not apply to a marketplace or that portion of a marketplace that facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging accommodations in homes, apartments, cabins, or other residential dwelling units.
(iii) For purposes of this subsection (15)(b), the following definitions apply:
(A) "Hotel" has the same meaning as in RCW 19.48.010.
(B) "Travel agency services" means arranging or booking, for a commission, fee or other consideration, vacation or travel packages, rental car or other travel reservations or accommodations, tickets for domestic or foreign travel by air, rail, ship, bus, or other medium of transportation, or hotel or other lodging accommodations.
(16) "Marketplace seller" means a seller that makes retail sales through any marketplace operated by a marketplace facilitator, regardless of whether the seller is required to be registered with the department under RCW 82.32.030.
(17) "Remote seller" means any seller, including a marketplace facilitator, who does not have a physical presence in this state and makes retail sales to purchasers or facilitates retail sales on behalf of marketplace sellers.
[ 2022 c 16 s 144; 2021 c 225 s 3; 2019 c 8 s 105; 2014 c 140 s 11; 2010 c 106 s 210; 2009 c 535 s 303; 2007 c 6 s 1302; (2007 c 6 s 1301 expired July 1, 2008); 2006 c 301 s 2; 2005 c 514 s 110; 2004 c 153 s 406; 2003 c 168 s 101; 1985 c 38 s 3; 1985 c 2 s 2 (Initiative Measure No. 464, approved November 6, 1984); 1983 1st ex.s. c 55 s 1; 1967 ex.s. c 149 s 18; 1963 c 244 s 1; 1961 c 15 s 82.08.010. Prior: (i) 1945 c 249 s 4; 1943 c 156 s 6; 1941 c 178 s 8; 1939 c 225 s 7; 1935 c 180 s 17; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 8370-17. (ii) 1935 c 180 s 20; RRS s 8370-20.]


IntentFinding2022 c 16: See note following RCW 69.50.101.
Retroactive applicationEffective date2021 c 225: See notes following RCW 35.87A.010.
Effective date2019 c 8 ss 105, 301, 302, 401, and 704: "Sections 105, 301, 302, 401, and 704 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and take effect July 1, 2019." [ 2019 c 8 s 805.]
Existing rights and liabilityRetroactive application2019 c 8: See notes following RCW 82.02.250.
Effective date2010 c 106: See note following RCW 35.102.145.
IntentConstruction2009 c 535: See notes following RCW 82.04.192.
Part headings not lawSavingsEffective dateSeverability2007 c 6: See notes following RCW 82.32.020.
FindingsIntent2007 c 6: See note following RCW 82.14.390.
Expiration date2007 c 6 s 1301: "Section 1301 of this act expires July 1, 2008." [ 2007 c 6 s 1706.]
Effective dateAct does not affect application of Title 50 or 51 RCW2006 c 301: See notes following RCW 82.32.710.
Effective date2005 c 514: See note following RCW 82.04.4272.
Part headings not lawSeverability2005 c 514: See notes following RCW 82.12.808.
Retroactive effective dateEffective date2004 c 153: See note following RCW 82.08.0293.
Effective dates2003 c 168: "Sections 101 through 104, 201 through 216, 401 through 412, 501, 502, 601 through 604, 701 through 704, 801, 901, and 902 of this act take effect July 1, 2004. Sections 301 through 305 of this act take effect January 1, 2004." [ 2003 c 168 s 903.]
Part headings not law2003 c 168: "Part headings used in this act are not any part of the law." [ 2003 c 168 s 901.]
Purpose1985 c 2: "The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the amount on which sales tax is paid by excluding the trade-in value of certain property from the amount taxable." [ 1985 c 2 s 1 (Initiative Measure No. 464, approved November 6, 1984).]
Effective dates1983 1st ex.s. c 55: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1983, except that section 12 of this act shall take effect January 1, 1984, and shall be effective for property taxes levied in 1983, and due in 1984, and thereafter." [ 1983 1st ex.s. c 55 s 13.]