PDFRCW 85.18.120

Review by superior courtFiling feeBondPriority of cause.

The county clerk shall charge the same filing fees for petitions for review as in civil actions. At the time of the filing of such petition with the clerk, the appellant shall execute and file a bond in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the judge of said court, conditioned upon his or her prosecuting his or her appeal without delay and to guarantee all costs which may be assessed against him or her by reason of such review. The court shall, on motion of either party to the cause, with notice to the other party, set said cause for trial at the earliest time available to the court, fixing a date for hearing and trial without a jury. Said cause shall have preference over all civil actions pending in said court except eminent domain and forcible entry and detainer proceedings.
[ 2013 c 23 s 430; 1951 c 45 s 13.]