State participation in the cost of any flood control maintenance project shall be provided for by a written memorandum agreement between the director of ecology and the legislative authority of the county submitting the request, which agreement, among other things, shall state the estimated cost and the percentage thereof to be borne by the state. In no instance, except on emergency projects, shall the state's share exceed seventy-five percent of the total cost of the project, to include project planning and design. Grants for cost sharing feasibility studies for new flood control projects shall not exceed fifty percent of the matching funds that are required by the federal government, and shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the total costs of the feasibility study. However, grants to prepare a comprehensive flood control management plan required under RCW
86.26.050 shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the full planning costs, but not to exceed amounts for either purpose specified in rule and regulation by the department of ecology.