PDFRCW 87.03.090

Post-organization district electionsElection officersVoting hours.

The inspector is chair of the election board, and may
First: Administer all oaths required in the progress of an election.
Second: Appoint judges and clerks, if, during the progress of the election, any judge or clerk cease to act. Any member of the board of election, or any clerk thereof, may administer and certify oaths required to be administered during the progress of an election. The board of election for each precinct may, if they deem it necessary, before opening the polls, appoint two persons to act as clerks of the election. Before opening the polls, each member of the board and each clerk must take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties imposed upon them by law. Any elector of the precinct may administer and certify such oath. The polls must be opened at one o'clock p.m. on the afternoon of the election, and be kept open until eight o'clock p.m., when the same must be closed. The provisions of the general election law of this state, concerning the form of ballots to be used shall not apply to elections held under this act: PROVIDED, That any district elections called *before this act shall take effect shall be noticed and conducted in the manner prescribed by law in effect at the time the election is called.
[ 2013 c 23 s 489; 1931 c 60 s 1; 1889-90 p 674 s 6; RRS s 7423. Formerly RCW 87.01.150.]


*Reviser's note: The language "before this act shall take effect" in the proviso refers to 1931 c 60 which became effective on midnight June 10, 1931; see preface, 1931 session laws.