Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 16.52 RCW
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16.52.011DefinitionsPrinciples of liability.
16.52.015EnforcementLaw enforcement agencies and animal care and control agencies.
16.52.020Humane societiesEnforcement authority.
16.52.025Humane societiesAnimal control officers.
16.52.080Transporting or confining in unsafe mannerPenalty.
16.52.085Seizure of animal for abuse or neglectProcessNoticeForfeiture of animalPetition for a civil hearing for the immediate return of a seized animal.
16.52.090Docking horsesMisdemeanor.
16.52.095Certain veterinary proceduresMisdemeanor.
16.52.100Confinement without food and waterIntervention by others.
16.52.117Animal fightingProhibited behaviorPenaltyExceptions.
16.52.180Limitations on application of chapter.
16.52.185Exclusions from chapter.
16.52.190Poisoning animalsPenalty.
16.52.193Poisoning animalsStrychnine salesRecordsReport on suspected purchases.
16.52.200SentencesForfeiture of animalsLiability for costsPenaltyEducation, counseling.
16.52.205Animal cruelty in the first degree.
16.52.207Animal cruelty in the second degreePenalty.
16.52.210Destruction of animal by law enforcement officerImmunity from liability.
16.52.220Transfers of mammals for researchCertification requirementsPet animals.
16.52.225Nonambulatory livestockTransporting or accepting deliveryGross misdemeanorDefinition.
16.52.230Remedies not impaired.
16.52.300Dogs or cats used as baitSeizureLimitation.
16.52.305Unlawful use of hookGross misdemeanor.
16.52.310Dog breedingLimit on the number of dogsRequired conditionsPenaltyDefinitions.
16.52.320Maliciously killing or causing substantial bodily harm to livestock belonging to anotherPenalty.
16.52.330VeterinariansAnimal crueltyLiability immunity.
16.52.340Leave or confine any animal in unattended motor vehicle or enclosed spaceClass 2 civil infractionOfficers' authority to reasonably remove animal.
16.52.350Dog tetheringPenalties.
16.52.360Retail pet storeSale of dog or catPenalty.
Cruelty to stock in transit: RCW 81.48.070.
Pet animalsTaking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.Penalty: RCW 9.08.070.