Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 35.20 RCW
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35.20.010Municipal court establishedTermination of courtAgreement covering costs of handling resulting criminal casesArbitrationNotice.
35.20.020SessionsJudges may act as magistratesNight court.
35.20.030JurisdictionMaximum penalties for criminal violationsReviewCosts.
35.20.090Trial by juryJuror's fees.
35.20.100Departments of courtJurisdiction and venuePresiding judgeCosts of election.
35.20.105Court administrator.
35.20.110Seal of courtExtent of process.
35.20.120Expenses of court.
35.20.131Director of traffic violations.
35.20.140Monthly meeting of judgesRules and regulations of court.
35.20.150Election of judgesVacancies.
35.20.155Municipal court commissionersAppointment, powers.
35.20.160Judges' salaries.
35.20.170Qualifications of judgesPractice of law prohibited.
35.20.175Judicial officersDisqualification.
35.20.180Judges' oath of office, official bonds.
35.20.190Additional judge.
35.20.200Judges pro tempore.
35.20.205Judicial officersHearing examiner.
35.20.210Clerks of court.
35.20.220Powers and duties of chief clerkRemittance by city treasurerInterestDisposition.
35.20.230Director of probation servicesProbation officersBailiffs.
35.20.240First judgesTransfer of equipment.
35.20.250Concurrent jurisdiction with superior court and district court.
35.20.255Deferral or suspension of sentencesProbationMaximum termTransfer to another state.
35.20.258SentencingCrimes against propertyCriminal history check.
35.20.260SubpoenasWitness fees.
35.20.270Service of criminal and civil processJurisdictionCosts.
35.20.280City trial court improvement accountContribution by city to accountUse of funds.
35.20.290Applicability of courts open to all act.
35.20.910Construction of other laws.
Rules of court: See Rules for Appeal of Decisions of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (RALJ).
Courts of limited jurisdiction: Title 3 RCW.
Courts of record: Title 2 RCW.
Rights of accused: State Constitution Art. 1 § 22 (Amendment 10).