Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 36.67 RCW
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36.67.010Authority to contract indebtednessLimitations.
36.67.060Bond retirement.
36.67.070Payment of interest.
36.67.500"This chapter" means RCW 36.67.510 through 36.67.570.
36.67.510Revenue bonds authorized.
36.67.520When issuedAmountsPurposesCosts and expenses.
36.67.530FormTermsInterestExecution and signatures.
36.67.540Special funds, creation and useUse of tax revenue prohibitedBonds are negotiable instrumentsStatement on faceRemedy for failure to set aside revenue.
36.67.550CovenantsLaw and resolutions constitute contract with holdersRemedies.
36.67.560Funding and refunding.
36.67.570Liberal constructionEffect of other acts.
Airport purposes, bonds for: Chapter 14.08 RCW.
Alternative authority to issue revenue bonds: RCW 39.46.150, 39.46.160.
Bond elections, vote required: Chapter 39.40 RCW.
as security for city depositary: RCW 35.38.040.
form, sale, terms of sale, payment, etc.: Chapter 39.44 RCW.
sale to federal government at private sale: Chapter 39.48 RCW.
Funding indebtedness in counties: Chapter 39.52 RCW.
Funds for reserve purposes may be included in issue amount: RCW 39.44.140.
Housing authority act, bonds issued under: Chapter 35.82 RCW.
Industrial development revenue bonds: Chapter 39.84 RCW.
Juvenile detention facilities, bonds for: Chapter 13.16 RCW.
Limitation of indebtedness of taxing districts (counties): Chapter 39.36 RCW.
State funds, investment in county bonds authorized: RCW 43.84.080.
Validation of bonds and financing proceedings: Chapter 39.90 RCW.