Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 36.69 RCW
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36.69.010Park and recreation districts authorized"Recreational facilities" defined.
36.69.020Formation of district by petitionProcedure.
36.69.030Area which may be includedResolution of governing body of city or town.
36.69.040Hearing on petitionNotice.
36.69.050BoundariesNameInclusion, exclusion of lands.
36.69.065Election for formationInclusion of proposition for tax levy or issuance of bonds.
36.69.080Election results.
36.69.090CommissionersTermsElection procedures.
36.69.110CommissionersCompensation, expenses.
36.69.130Powers of districts.
36.69.140Excess levies authorizedBondsInterest bearing warrants.
36.69.145Six-year regular property tax leviesLimitationsElection.
36.69.147Community revitalization financingPublic improvements.
36.69.150District treasurerWarrantsVouchers.
36.69.180Violation of rulesPenalty.
36.69.190Additional area may be added to district.
36.69.200L.I.D.'sAuthorizationAssessments, warrants, bondsCounty treasurer's duties.
36.69.210L.I.D.'sInitiation by resolution or petition.
36.69.220L.I.D.'sProcedure when by resolution.
36.69.230L.I.D.'sProcedure when by petitionPublication of notice of intent by either resolution or petition.
36.69.245L.I.D.'sNotice must contain statement that assessments may vary from estimates.
36.69.250L.I.D.'sPublic hearingInclusion, exclusion of property.
36.69.260L.I.D.'sProtestsProcedureJurisdiction of board.
36.69.270L.I.D.'sPowers and duties of board upon formation.
36.69.280L.I.D.'sAssessment rollProcedure for approvalObjections.
36.69.290L.I.D.'sSegregation of assessmentsPower of board.
36.69.300L.I.D.'sSegregation of assessmentsProcedureFee, charges.
36.69.305L.I.D.'sAcquisition of property subject to unpaid or delinquent assessments by state or political subdivisionPayment of lien or installments.
36.69.315Withdrawal or reannexation from a park and recreation districtAuthorityProcedure.
36.69.320Disincorporation of district located in county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five years.
36.69.350Board authorized to contract indebtedness and issue revenue bonds.
36.69.360Revenue bondsAuthorized purposes.
36.69.370Revenue bondsIssuance, form, seal, etc.
36.69.380Resolution to authorize bondsContents.
36.69.390Payment of bondsCovenantsEnforcement.
36.69.400Funding, refunding bonds.
36.69.410Authority for issuance of bondsConstruction.
36.69.420Joint park and recreation districtAuthorization.
36.69.430Joint park and recreation districtFormationPetition.
36.69.440Joint park and recreation districtFormationHearingBoundariesElection.
36.69.450Joint park and recreation districtDuties of county officers.
36.69.460Joint park and recreation districtPopulation determinations.
36.69.500Community athletics programsSex discrimination prohibited.
36.69.900Short title.
Contracts with community service organizations for public improvements: RCW 35.21.278.
RCW 39.33.060 to govern on sales by water-sewer district for park and recreational purposes: RCW 57.08.140.
Transfer of real property or contract for use for park and recreational purposes: RCW 39.33.060.