Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 70.128 RCW
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70.128.040Adoption of rules and standardsNegotiated rule makingSpecialty license.
70.128.043Negotiated rule makingStatewide unit of licenseesIntent.
70.128.050LicenseRequired as of July 1, 1990Limitations.
70.128.055Operating without a licenseMisdemeanor.
70.128.057Operating without a licenseInjunction or civil penalty.
70.128.058Operating without a licenseApplication of consumer protection act.
70.128.064Priority processing for license applicationsProvisional license.
70.128.065Multiple facility operatorsRequirementsLicensure of additional homes.
70.128.066Seven or eight bed adult family homesRequirementsLicensure.
70.128.070LicenseInspectionsCorrection of violations.
70.128.080License and inspection reportAvailability for review.
70.128.100Immediate suspension of license when conditions warrant.
70.128.105Injunction if conditions warrant.
70.128.110Prohibition against recommending unlicensed homeReport and investigation of unlicensed home.
70.128.120Adult family home provider, applicant, resident managerMinimum qualifications.
70.128.122Adult family homes licensed by Indian tribes.
70.128.125Resident rights.
70.128.130Adult family homesRequirements.
70.128.135Compliance with chapter 70.24 RCW.
70.128.140Compliance with local codes and state and local fire safety regulations.
70.128.150Adult family homes to work with local quality assurance projectsInterference with representative of ombuds programPenalty.
70.128.155Resident contact informationDepartment requirements and duties.
70.128.160Department authority to take actions in response to noncompliance or violationsCivil penaltiesAdult family home account.
70.128.163Temporary management programPurposesVoluntary participationTemporary management duties, durationRules.
70.128.167Disputed violations, enforcement remediesInformal dispute resolution process.
70.128.170Homes relying on prayer for healingApplication of chapter.
70.128.200Toll-free telephone number for complaintsDiscrimination or retaliation prohibited.
70.128.210Training standards reviewDelivery systemIssues reviewedReport to the legislature.
70.128.220Elder careProfessionalization of providers.
70.128.230Long-term caregiver training.
70.128.240Approval systemDepartment-approved trainingAdoption of rules.
70.128.250Required training and continuing educationFood safety training and testing.
70.128.260Limitation on restrictive covenants.
70.128.270Legislative intentEnacting recommendations included in the adult family home quality assurance panel report.
70.128.280Required disclosureFormsDecrease in scope of care, services, activitiesNoticeIncreased needs of a residentDenial of admission to a prospective residentDepartment website.
70.128.290Correction of a violation or deficiencyNot included in a home's reportCriteria.
70.128.300Services for adult family home residents with a primary need of care related to a developmental or intellectual disabilityServices for residents of adult family homes dedicated solely to dementia careDesign and implementationRecommendations.
70.128.305Adult family home training networkRequirements.
70.128.306Stop placement orders and limited stop placement orders.
70.128.310Multistate nurse licenseConditions of employment.
70.128.901ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.