Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 90.14 RCW
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90.14.020Legislative declaration.
90.14.041Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use ground or surface watersFiling statement of claim requiredExemptions.
90.14.043Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use ground or surface watersClaim upon certification by boardProcedureCut-off date for accepting petitions.
90.14.044Existing water rights not impaired.
90.14.051Statement of claimContentsShort form.
90.14.061Statement of claimFiling procedureProcessing of claimFee.
90.14.065Statement of claimAmendmentSurface water right claim change or transferReview of department of ecology's determination.
90.14.068Statement of claimNew filing period.
90.14.071Failure to file claim waives and relinquishes right.
90.14.081Filing of claim not deemed adjudication of rightPrima facie evidence.
90.14.091DefinitionsWater rights noticeForm.
90.14.101Notice of chapter provisionsHow givenRequirements.
90.14.111Water rights claims registry.
90.14.121Penalty for overstating claim.
90.14.130Reversion of rights to state due to nonuseNotice by orderRelinquishment determinationsAppeal.
90.14.140"Sufficient cause" for nonuse definedRights exempted.
90.14.150Rights arising from permit to withdraw public waters not affectedExtensions.
90.14.160Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient causePrior rights acquired through appropriation, custom or general adjudication.
90.14.170Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient causeRights acquired due to ownership of land abutting stream, lake, or watercourse.
90.14.180Relinquishment of right for abandonment or failure to beneficially use without sufficient causeFuture rights acquired through appropriation.
90.14.190Water resources decisionsAppealsAttorneys' fees.
90.14.200Implementation and enforcement of chapterProceedings under RCW 90.14.130 deemed adjudicativeApplication of RCW sections to specific proceedings.
90.14.210Chapter applies to all rights to withdraw groundwaters.
90.14.215Chapter not applicable to trust water rights under chapter 90.38 or 90.42 RCW.
90.14.220No rights to be acquired by prescription or adverse use.
90.14.230Rules and regulations.
90.14.240Water rights tracking system account.
90.14.900Effective date1967 c 233.
90.14.910Severability1967 c 233.