Chapter 15.58 RCW



HTMLPDF 15.58.010Short title.
HTMLPDF 15.58.020Declaration of public interest.
HTMLPDF 15.58.030Definitions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.040Director's authorityRules.
HTMLPDF 15.58.045Disposal of unusable pesticidesRules.
HTMLPDF 15.58.050Registration of pesticidesGenerally.
HTMLPDF 15.58.060Statement for registrationContents.
HTMLPDF 15.58.065Protection of privileged or confidential information.
HTMLPDF 15.58.070Pesticide annual registration feeExpiration of registrationsDeposit in agricultural local fund.
HTMLPDF 15.58.080Additional fee for late registration renewal.
HTMLPDF 15.58.090Certain agencies may register without feeNot subject to RCW 15.58.180.
HTMLPDF 15.58.100Criterion for registering.
HTMLPDF 15.58.110Refusing or canceling registrationProcedure.
HTMLPDF 15.58.120Suspension of registration when hazard to public health.
HTMLPDF 15.58.130"Misbranded" as applicable to pesticides, devices, or spray adjuvants.
HTMLPDF 15.58.140"Adulterated" as applicable to pesticides.
HTMLPDF 15.58.150Unlawful practices.
HTMLPDF 15.58.160Violations of chapter"Stop sale, use or removal" order.
HTMLPDF 15.58.170"Stop sale, use or removal" orderAdjudication.
HTMLPDF 15.58.180Pesticide dealer licenseGenerally.
HTMLPDF 15.58.200Pesticide dealer managerLicense qualifications.
HTMLPDF 15.58.205Structural pest inspector licensesRequiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.206Structural pest inspector licensesExemptionHome inspectors.
HTMLPDF 15.58.207Structural pest inspector licensesExamination.
HTMLPDF 15.58.210Pest control consultant licensesRequiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.220Public pest control consultant license.
HTMLPDF 15.58.230Consultant's licenseRequirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.233Renewal of licensesRecertification standards.
HTMLPDF 15.58.235Renewal of licensesDelinquency.
HTMLPDF 15.58.240Classification of licensesExaminationsFees.
HTMLPDF 15.58.250Recordkeeping requirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.260Civil penalties and/or denial, suspension, or revocation of license, registration or permit.
HTMLPDF 15.58.270SubpoenasWitness fees.
HTMLPDF 15.58.280Sampling and examination of pesticides or devicesProcedure when criminal proceedings contemplated.
HTMLPDF 15.58.290Minor violations, warning notice in writing.
HTMLPDF 15.58.300Persons exempted from certain penalties under RCW 15.58.150.
HTMLPDF 15.58.310Pesticides for foreign export not in violation of chapter.
HTMLPDF 15.58.320Certain pharmacists exempted from licensing provisions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.330Violation of chapterMisdemeanor.
HTMLPDF 15.58.335Civil penalty.
HTMLPDF 15.58.340Injunction.
HTMLPDF 15.58.345DamagesCivil action not precluded.
HTMLPDF 15.58.350Persons charged with enforcement barred from interest in pesticides, devices.
HTMLPDF 15.58.360No recovery of damages when probable cause.
HTMLPDF 15.58.400Cooperation and agreements with other agencies.
HTMLPDF 15.58.405Emergency situationsSpecial local needsExperimental use permits.
HTMLPDF 15.58.411Use of license feesPesticide safety education programDeposit of money collected for civil penalties.
HTMLPDF 15.58.420Report to legislature.
HTMLPDF 15.58.445Wood destroying organism inspectionsLicense required.
HTMLPDF 15.58.450Wood destroying organism inspection reportUnique inspection control number required.
HTMLPDF 15.58.460Structural pest inspectorEvidence of financial responsibility requiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.465Structural pest inspectorForms of evidence of financial responsibilityAmountTerms.
HTMLPDF 15.58.470Structural pest inspectorFailure to meet financial responsibility requirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.480Educational materials regarding best practices for avoiding adverse effects from pesticides on pollinating insects.
HTMLPDF 15.58.910Continuation of rules adopted pursuant to repealed sections.
HTMLPDF 15.58.920Existing liabilities not affected.