HTMLPDF | 28A.150.010 | Public schools. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.020 | Common schools. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.050 | School holidays. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.070 | General public school system—Administration. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.080 | Superintendent of the school district. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.100 | Basic education certificated instructional staff—Definition—Ratio to students. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.198 | Finding—Intent—2009 c 548. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.1981 | Intent—2009 c 548. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.200 | Program of basic education. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.203 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.205 | Instructional hours. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.210 | Basic education—Goals of school districts. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.211 | Values and traits recognized. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.220 | Basic education—Minimum instructional requirements—Program accessibility—Rules. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.222 | School days per year waiver. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.230 | District school directors' responsibilities. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.240 | Certificated teaching and administrative staff as accountable for classroom teaching—Scope—Responsibilities—Penalty. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.250 | Annual basic education allocation—Full funding—Withholding of funds for noncompliance. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.260 | Allocation of state funding to support instructional program of basic education—Distribution formula—Per-pupil allocations reporting by the superintendent of public instruction and in legislative budget documents—Prototypical schools—Enhancements and adjustments—Review and approval—Enrollment calculation. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.265 | Career and technical education funding allocations. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.270 | Annual basic education allocation of funds according to average FTE student enrollment—Procedure for crediting portion for school building purposes. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.275 | Annual basic education allocation for students in technical colleges. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.276 | Local revenues—Enrichment of program of basic education—"Local revenues" defined. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.280 | Reimbursement for acquisition of approved transportation equipment—Method. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.290 | State superintendent to make rules and regulations—Unforeseen conditions or actions to be recognized—Paperwork limited. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.295 | General public school system—Maintained. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.300 | Corporal punishment prohibited—Adoption of policy. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.305 | Alternative educational service providers—Student eligibility. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.310 | National guard youth challenge program—Allocation of funding—Rules. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.315 | All-day kindergarten programs—Funding—Identification of skills, knowledge, and characteristics—Assessments. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.320 | Month of the kindergartner. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.350 | Part time students—Defined—Enrollment authorized—Reimbursement for costs—Funding authority recognition—Rules, regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.360 | Adjustments to meet emergencies. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.380 | Appropriations by legislature. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.390 | Appropriations for special education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.392 | Special education funding—Safety net awards—Rules—Annual survey and report—Safety net oversight committee—High-need students. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.400 | Apportionment factors to be based on current figures—Rules and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.410 | Basic education certificated instructional staff—Salary allocation methodology—Adjustments for regional differences—Review and rebasing of regionalization factors. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.412 | Basic education compensation allocations—Rebase and review—Revision of minimum allocations and regionalization factors—Regionalization factors—Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.413 | Finding—Local levy authority—Local effort assistance—Value—Restriction. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.414 | Locally determined compensation plans for certificated instructional staff—Model salary grid—Stakeholder technical working group. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.415 | Professional learning days—Funding. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.420 | Reimbursement for classes provided outside regular school year. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.500 | Educational agencies offering vocational education programs—Local advisory committees—Advice on current job needs. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.510 | Transmittal of education records—Disclosure of education records—Data-sharing agreements. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.515 | High school directory information—Transmittal to the office of the superintendent of public instruction. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.520 | High-performance public buildings—Compliance with requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.530 | High-performance public buildings—Implementation rules—Energy conservation report review. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.540 | Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.550 | Statewide indicators of educational system health—Disaggregation—Use of indicators—Status reports. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.150.560 | Special education—Allocation and cost accounting methodology—Annual accounting to legislature. |