Title 41 RCW



41.04General provisions.
41.05State health care authority.
41.05AOverpayments of assistance and coordination of benefits.
41.06State civil service law.
41.07Central personnel-payroll system.
41.08Civil service for city firefighters.
41.12Civil service for city police.
41.14Civil service for sheriff's office.
41.16Firefighters' relief and pensions1947 act.
41.18Firefighters' relief and pensions1955 act.
41.20Police relief and pensions in first-class cities.
41.22Law enforcement chaplains.
41.24Volunteer firefighters' and reserve officers' relief and pensions.
41.26Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system.
41.28Retirement of personnel in certain first-class cities.
41.31AExtraordinary investment gainsPlan 3.
41.32Teachers' retirement.
41.33Teachers' retirementFederal social security.
41.34Plan 3 retirement system contributions.
41.35Washington school employees' retirement system.
41.37Washington public safety employees' retirement system.
41.40Washington public employees' retirement system.
41.41State employees' retirementFederal social security.
41.44Statewide city employees' retirement.
41.45Actuarial funding of state retirement systems.
41.47Acceptance of old age and survivors' insurance1941 act.
41.48Federal social security for public employees.
41.50Department of retirement systems.
41.54Portability of public retirement benefits.
41.56Public employees' collective bargaining.
41.58Public employment labor relations.
41.59Educational employment relations act.
41.60State employees' suggestion awards and incentive pay.
41.68Reparations to state employees terminated during World War II.
41.72Law enforcement medal of honor.
41.76Public four-year institutions of higher educationFaculty labor relations.
41.80State collective bargaining.


AIDS education and training: Chapter 70.24 RCW.
Application forms for public employmentMention of race or religion prohibitedPenalty: RCW 43.01.100.
Assumption of obligations of private pension plan when
private utility acquired by public utility district: RCW 54.04.130 through 54.04.150.
urban transportation system acquired: RCW 54.04.160.
Cities and towns
group insurance for employees: RCW 35.23.460.
residence requirements for officers and employees: RCW 35.21.200.
utility employees in cities of first class, collective bargaining for wages, etc.: RCW 35.22.350.
County employees, payroll deductions for contributions, payments, and dues authorized: RCW 36.17.045.
County officers, salaries and expenses: Chapter 36.17 RCW.
Designation of agency to carry out federal social security disability program: RCW 43.17.120, 43.17.130.
Emergency management employees, compensation for injuries, etc., procedure: RCW 38.52.190 through 38.52.380.
Exemption from payment of college fees for children and surviving spouses of law enforcement officer, firefighter, state patrol officer, or highway worker totally disabled or losing life: RCW 28B.15.380, 28B.15.385, and 28B.15.520.
Fire protection district personnelGroup life insurance: RCW 52.12.031.
Free transportation for public officers prohibited: State Constitution Art. 12 § 20.
Institutions' employees, hours and wages: RCW 72.01.042, 72.01.043.
Insurance for certain school employees: RCW 28A.400.350, 28B.10.660.
Labor regulations: Title 49 RCW.
Leaves for duty with emergency management agency: RCW 38.52.140.
Military leave of absence for public employees: RCW 38.40.060.
Militia officers and enlisted persons
claims, pay, expenses: Chapter 38.24 RCW.
compensation for death or disability: RCW 38.40.030.
Public officers and employees in general: Title 42 RCW.
Public works, employees: Title 39 RCW.
State officers and employees
defense by attorney general: RCW 10.01.150.
salaries and expenses: Chapter 43.03 RCW.
vacations: RCW 43.01.040 through 43.01.044.
State patrol retirement: Chapter 43.43 RCW.
Tax deferred annuities for education employees: RCW 28A.400.250, 28B.10.480.
Unemployment compensation: Title 50 RCW.
Workers' compensation: Title 51 RCW.