Chapter 43.43 RCW



HTMLPDF 43.43.005Comprehensive outreach and marketing strategic plan.
HTMLPDF 43.43.010Patrol created.
HTMLPDF 43.43.012Chief for a day program.
HTMLPDF 43.43.013Donations, gifts, conveyances, devises, and grants.
HTMLPDF 43.43.015Affirmative action.
HTMLPDF 43.43.020Appointment of personnel.
HTMLPDF 43.43.030Powers and dutiesPeace officers.
HTMLPDF 43.43.035Governor, lieutenant governor, and governor-electSecurity and protectionDuty to provide.
HTMLPDF 43.43.037LegislatureSecurity and protectionDuty to provide.
HTMLPDF 43.43.040Disability of patrol officers.
HTMLPDF 43.43.050Tenure of patrol officers.
HTMLPDF 43.43.060Suspension or demotion of probationary officers.
HTMLPDF 43.43.070Discharge of probationary officersDischarge, demotion, or suspension of nonprobationary officersComplaintHearing.
HTMLPDF 43.43.080Criminal complaintAuthority to suspend officerHearing.
HTMLPDF 43.43.090Procedure at hearing.
HTMLPDF 43.43.100Review of order.
HTMLPDF 43.43.110Reinstatement on acquittal.
HTMLPDF 43.43.111Patrol officer vehicle accidents.
HTMLPDF 43.43.112Private law enforcement off-duty employmentGuidelines.
HTMLPDF 43.43.115Real propertySale or disposal of surplusDistribution of proceeds.
HTMLPDF 43.43.120Patrol retirement systemDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.130Retirement fund createdMembership.
HTMLPDF 43.43.135Membership in more than one retirement system.
HTMLPDF 43.43.137Reestablishment of service credit by former members who are members of the public employees' retirement systemConditions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.138Establishing, restoring service credit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.139Membership while serving as state legislatorConditions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.142Retirement board abolishedTransfer of powers, duties, and functions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.165Board may receive contributions from any source.
HTMLPDF 43.43.220Retirement fundExpenses.
HTMLPDF 43.43.230Total service credit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.233Purchase of additional service creditCostsRules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.235Service credit for paid leave of absence.
HTMLPDF 43.43.240Legal adviser.
HTMLPDF 43.43.250Retirement of members.
HTMLPDF 43.43.260BenefitsMilitary service credit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.263Effect of certain accumulated vacation leave on retirement benefits.
HTMLPDF 43.43.264Benefit calculationLimitation.
HTMLPDF 43.43.270Retirement allowancesSurvivors of disabled membersMembers commissioned before January 1, 2003.
HTMLPDF 43.43.271Retirement allowancesMembers commissioned on or after January 1, 2003Court-approved property settlement.
HTMLPDF 43.43.274Minimum retirement allowanceAnnual adjustment.
HTMLPDF 43.43.278Retirement option.
HTMLPDF 43.43.280Repayment of contributions on death or termination of employmentElection to receive reduced retirement allowance at age fifty-five.
HTMLPDF 43.43.285Special death benefitCourse of employmentOccupational disease or infectionAnnual adjustment.
HTMLPDF 43.43.286Rights reserved to the legislatureNo future contractual rights.
HTMLPDF 43.43.290Status in case of disablement.
HTMLPDF 43.43.295Accumulated contributionsPayment upon death of member.
HTMLPDF 43.43.310Benefits exempt from taxation and legal processAssignabilityExceptionsDeductions for group insurance premiums or for state patrol memorial foundation contributions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.315Optional actuarially equivalent life annuity benefit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.320Penalty for falsification.
HTMLPDF 43.43.330Examinations for promotion.
HTMLPDF 43.43.340Eligible list, and promotions therefromAffirmative action.
HTMLPDF 43.43.350Determination of eligibility for examination for promotion.
HTMLPDF 43.43.360Probationary period.
HTMLPDF 43.43.370Staff or technical officers.
HTMLPDF 43.43.380Minimum salariesReport.
HTMLPDF 43.43.385Expedited recruitment incentive program.
HTMLPDF 43.43.390Bicycle awareness programGenerally.
HTMLPDF 43.43.395Ignition interlock devicesStandardsCompliance.
HTMLPDF 43.43.3952Ignition interlock devicesOfficer required to report violationsLiability.
HTMLPDF 43.43.396Ignition interlock devicesFee schedule and fee collectionReportFee deposit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.400Aquatic invasive species inspection and training.
HTMLPDF 43.43.480Routine traffic enforcement information.
HTMLPDF 43.43.490Routine traffic enforcement informationData collectionTraining materials on racial profiling.
HTMLPDF 43.43.500Crime information centerEstablishedPurposeFunctions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.510Crime information centerFiles of general assistance to law enforcement agencies establishedRunaway childrenInformation publicly available.
HTMLPDF 43.43.530Crime information centerCost of terminal facilities.
HTMLPDF 43.43.540Sex offenders and kidnapping offendersCentral registryReimbursement to counties.
HTMLPDF 43.43.545Statewide sexual assault kit tracking system.
HTMLPDF 43.43.546Statewide sexual assault kit tracking systemParticipation by bureau of forensic laboratory services.
HTMLPDF 43.43.550Traffic safety education officersPowersPay and reimbursement.
HTMLPDF 43.43.560Automatic fingerprint information systemReport.
HTMLPDF 43.43.570Automatic fingerprint identification systemConditions for local establishment or operationRules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.580Firearms background check unitAutomated firearms background check systemFee.
HTMLPDF 43.43.585Washington background check advisory board.
HTMLPDF 43.43.590State firearms background check system account.
HTMLPDF 43.43.600Drug control assistance unitCreated.
HTMLPDF 43.43.610Drug control assistance unitDuties.
HTMLPDF 43.43.620Drug control assistance unitAdditional dutiesInformation system on violationsInter-unit communications network.
HTMLPDF 43.43.630Drug control assistance unitUse of existing facilities and systems.
HTMLPDF 43.43.640Drug control assistance unitCertain investigators exempt from state civil service act.
HTMLPDF 43.43.650Drug control assistance unitEmployment of necessary personnel.
HTMLPDF 43.43.655Drug control assistance unitSpecial narcotics enforcement unit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.670Bureau of forensic laboratory servicesPowersPriorities.
HTMLPDF 43.43.672Bureau of forensic laboratory servicesDrug evidence analysis.
HTMLPDF 43.43.680Controlled substance, simulator solution analysisPrima facie evidence.
HTMLPDF 43.43.690Crime laboratory analysis feeCourt impositionCollection.
HTMLPDF 43.43.700Identification and criminal history section.
HTMLPDF 43.43.705Identification dataProcessing procedureDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.710Availability of information.
HTMLPDF 43.43.715IdentificationCooperation with other criminal justice agencies.
HTMLPDF 43.43.720Local identification and records systemsAssistance.
HTMLPDF 43.43.725Records as evidence.
HTMLPDF 43.43.730RecordsInspectionCopyingRequests for purge or modificationAppeals.
HTMLPDF 43.43.735Photographing and fingerprintingPowers and duties of law enforcement agenciesOther data.
HTMLPDF 43.43.740Photographing and fingerprintingTransmittal of data.
HTMLPDF 43.43.742Submission of fingerprints taken from persons for noncriminal purposesFees.
HTMLPDF 43.43.745Convicted persons, fingerprinting required, recordsFurloughs, information to section, notice to local agenciesArrests, disposition informationConvicts, information to section, notice to local agenciesRegistration of sex offenders.
HTMLPDF 43.43.750Use of force to obtain identification informationLiability.
HTMLPDF 43.43.751Biological samples for missing persons investigations.
HTMLPDF 43.43.752DNA identification systemPlanReport.
HTMLPDF 43.43.753FindingsDNA identification systemDNA databaseDNA data bank.
HTMLPDF 43.43.7532DNA identification systemDNA database account.
HTMLPDF 43.43.754DNA identification systemBiological samplesCollection, use, testingScope and application of section.
HTMLPDF 43.43.7541DNA identification systemCollection of biological samplesFees prior to July 1, 2023DistributionWaiver.
HTMLPDF 43.43.756DNA identification systemAnalysis, assistance, and testimony services.
HTMLPDF 43.43.758DNA identification systemLocal law enforcement systemsLimitations.
HTMLPDF 43.43.759DNA identification systemRule-making requirements.
HTMLPDF 43.43.760Personal identificationRequestsPurposeApplicantsFee.
HTMLPDF 43.43.762Criminal street gang databaseInformation exempt from public disclosure.
HTMLPDF 43.43.765Reports of transfer, release or changes as to committed or imprisoned personsRecords.
HTMLPDF 43.43.770Unidentified deceased persons.
HTMLPDF 43.43.775Interagency contracts.
HTMLPDF 43.43.780Transfer of records, data, equipment to section.
HTMLPDF 43.43.785Criminal justice servicesConsolidationEstablishment of program.
HTMLPDF 43.43.800Criminal justice services programsDuties of executive committee.
HTMLPDF 43.43.810Obtaining information by false pretensesUnauthorized use of informationFalsifying recordsPenalty.
HTMLPDF 43.43.815Conviction record furnished to employerPurposesNotification to subject of recordFeesLimitationsInjunctive relief, damages, attorneys' feesDisclaimer of liabilityRules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.820Stale records.
HTMLPDF 43.43.822County sheriff to forward registration informationFelony firearm offense conviction databaseExempt from public disclosure.
HTMLPDF 43.43.823Incorporation of denied firearm transaction recordsRemoval of record, when requiredNoticeRules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.825Guilty plea or conviction for certain felony crimesNotification of state patrolTransmission of information to the department of health.
HTMLPDF 43.43.830Background checksAccess to children or vulnerable personsDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.832Background checksDisclosure of informationSharing of state criminal background information by health care facilities.
HTMLPDF 43.43.8321Background checksDissemination of conviction record information.
HTMLPDF 43.43.833Background checksState immunity.
HTMLPDF 43.43.834Background checks by business, organization, or insurance companyLimitationsCivil liability.
HTMLPDF 43.43.836Disclosure to individual of own recordFee.
HTMLPDF 43.43.837Fingerprint-based background checksRequirements for applicants and service providersFeesRules to establish financial responsibility.
HTMLPDF 43.43.838Record checksTranscript of conviction recordFeesImmunityRules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.839Fingerprint identification account.
HTMLPDF 43.43.840Notification to licensing agency of employment termination for certain crimes against persons.
HTMLPDF 43.43.842Vulnerable adultsAdditional licensing requirements for agencies, facilities, and individuals providing services (as amended by 2023 c 425).
HTMLPDF 43.43.842Vulnerable adultsAdditional licensing requirements for agencies, facilities, and individuals providing services (as amended by 2023 c 469).
HTMLPDF 43.43.845Notification of conviction or guilty plea of certain felony crimesTransmittal of information to superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 43.43.850Organized crime intelligence unitCreated.
HTMLPDF 43.43.852"Organized crime" defined.
HTMLPDF 43.43.854Powers and duties of organized crime intelligence unit.
HTMLPDF 43.43.856Divulging investigative information prohibitedConfidentialitySecurity of records and files.
HTMLPDF 43.43.870Missing children clearinghouse and hotline, duties of state patrol.
HTMLPDF 43.43.874Missing and murdered indigenous women, other indigenous personsLiaison positions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.876Missing and murdered indigenous women, other indigenous personsProtocolTraining.
HTMLPDF 43.43.880Agreements with contiguous statesJointly occupied ports of entryCollection of fees and taxes.
HTMLPDF 43.43.885Scrap metal no-buy list database program.
HTMLPDF 43.43.887Scrap metal no-buy list database programWashington association of sheriffs and police chiefs not liable for civil damages.
HTMLPDF 43.43.912ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.
HTMLPDF 43.43.930State fire protection servicesIntent.
HTMLPDF 43.43.934Director of fire protectionDuties.
HTMLPDF 43.43.938Director of fire protectionAppointmentDuties.
HTMLPDF 43.43.939Director of fire protectionAdoption of minimum standard requirements for before-school and after-school programs.
HTMLPDF 43.43.940Fire service training programGrants and bequests.
HTMLPDF 43.43.942Fire service trainingFees and fee schedules.
HTMLPDF 43.43.944Fire service training account.
HTMLPDF 43.43.946Fire services trust fund.
HTMLPDF 43.43.948Fire services trust fundExpenditures.
HTMLPDF 43.43.950Fire service training center bond retirement account of 1977.
HTMLPDF 43.43.952Arson investigation information systemFindingsIntent.
HTMLPDF 43.43.960State fire service mobilizationDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.961State fire service mobilizationLegislative declaration and intent.
HTMLPDF 43.43.962State fire service mobilizationState fire services mobilization planState fire resources coordinator.
HTMLPDF 43.43.963State fire service mobilizationRegional fire defense boardsRegional fire service plansRegions established.
HTMLPDF 43.43.964State fire service mobilizationDevelopment of reimbursement procedures.
HTMLPDF 43.43.965State fire service mobilizationPlan use for purposes other than fire suppressionAnnual report.
HTMLPDF 43.43.970Law enforcement mobilizationDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 43.43.971Law enforcement mobilizationState law enforcement mobilization policy boardState law enforcement mobilization plan.
HTMLPDF 43.43.972Law enforcement mobilizationLocal law enforcement request for mobilizationState law enforcement resource coordinatorMobilization responseDeclaration of end of mobilization.
HTMLPDF 43.43.973State law enforcement mobilizationState law enforcement coordinatorDuties.
HTMLPDF 43.43.974State law enforcement mobilizationRegions establishedRegional law enforcement mobilization committeesRegional law enforcement mobilization plans.
HTMLPDF 43.43.975State law enforcement mobilizationDevelopment of reimbursement proceduresEligibility of nonhost law enforcement authority for reimbursement.


Abatement of certain structures, signs or devices on city streets, county roads or state highways as public nuisances, chief's duties relating to: RCW 47.36.180.
Abating as public nuisance signs erected or maintained contrary to highway advertising control act, chief's duties relating to: RCW 47.42.080.
Aircraft cost sharing: See 1990 c 298 § 4.
Amateur radio operators with special license plates, list of furnished to: RCW 46.18.205.
Authority: Chapter 10.93 RCW.
Chaplain authorized: RCW 41.22.020.
Civil disorder, use of patrol: RCW 43.06.270.
Control of traffic on capitol grounds, chief enforcing officer: RCW 46.08.160.
Coroner's report of deaths by vehicle accidents, to be made to: RCW 46.52.050.
Disturbances at state penal facilities
development of contingency plansScopeLocal participation: RCW 72.02.150.
use of outside law enforcement personnelScope: RCW 72.02.160.
Dog handler using dog in line of dutyImmunity: RCW 4.24.410.
Driver license fees for use of state patrol: RCW 46.68.041.
Enforcement of laws on limited access facilities, state patrol to have independent and concurrent jurisdiction: RCW 47.52.200.
Facilities siting, coordination with department of licensing: RCW 46.01.330.
Funding, state patrol highway account: RCW 46.68.030.
Hazardous materials incident command agency, state patrol as: RCW 70.136.030.
Inspection of railroad crew transportation vehicles by state patrol: RCW 81.61.040.
Insurance, group life, generally: RCW 48.24.090.
Intoxicating liquor, report of seizure: RCW 66.32.090.
Jurisdiction: Chapter 10.93 RCW.
Missing persons systems, involvement with: RCW 36.28A.120.
Motor carrier safety inspections: RCW 81.80.330.
Motor vehicle
accidents and reports, powers and duties relating to: Chapter 46.52 RCW.
equipment standardsPowers and duties: RCW 46.37.005.
inspection duties: Chapter 46.32 RCW.
size, weight and load limits, duties: Chapter 46.44 RCW.
Off-road and nonhighway vehicles: Chapter 46.09 RCW.
Portability of public retirement benefits: Chapter 41.54 RCW.
Private carrier drivers, rules: RCW 46.73.010.
Prohibited practices relating to motor vehicle inspection by members of: RCW 46.32.050.
Requests for nonconviction criminal history fingerprint record checks for agency heads"Agency head" defined: RCW 43.06.013.
School buses, regulations for design, marking and mode of operation, chief to advise on: RCW 46.61.380.
Snowmobile act enforcement: RCW 46.10.360.
State patrol highway account: RCW 46.68.030.
Teletypewriter communications network, powers and duties of chief: Chapter 43.89 RCW.
Towing operators, appointment by the state patrol: RCW 46.55.115.
Traffic safety commission, chief of state patrol member of: RCW 43.59.030.
Transportation of hazardous materials, chief's powers and duties relating to: RCW 46.48.170, 46.48.175.