Chapter 43.71 RCW



HTMLPDF 43.71.005FindingIntent.
HTMLPDF 43.71.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 43.71.020Washington health benefit exchange.
HTMLPDF 43.71.030ExchangePowers and dutiesAnnual report and plan.
HTMLPDF 43.71.060Health benefit exchange account.
HTMLPDF 43.71.065Qualified health plansCertificationCriteria stand-alone dental plansDirect primary care medical home plansAppeals.
HTMLPDF 43.71.067Qualified health plansProhibited marketing practices or benefit designsRules.
HTMLPDF 43.71.070Rating systemRating factors.
HTMLPDF 43.71.075Navigator not soliciting or negotiating insuranceHealth care informationProtectionDisclosureNotification.
HTMLPDF 43.71.080Assessment to fund exchangeGenerallyStand-alone dental plans.
HTMLPDF 43.71.095Standardized health plans.
HTMLPDF 43.71.100Access to information about exclusion of mandated benefits from qualified health plansExchange's duties.
HTMLPDF 43.71.110Premium assistance and cost-sharing reduction program.
HTMLPDF 43.71.120Applications to federal government for waivers and other flexibilities.
HTMLPDF 43.71.130State health care affordability account.
HTMLPDF 43.71.900Conflict with federal requirements2011 c 317.
HTMLPDF 43.71.901Spiritual care services2012 c 87.