When a fiscal note is prepared and approved as to form, accuracy, and completeness by the office of financial management, which depicts the expected fiscal impact of a bill or resolution, copies shall be filed immediately with:
(1) The chairperson of the committee to which the bill or resolution was referred upon introduction in the house of origin;
(2) The senate committee on ways and means, or its successor; and
(3) The house committees on revenue and appropriations, or their successors.
Whenever possible, such fiscal note and, in the case of a bill increasing taxes or fees, the cost projection and other information required under RCW
43.135.031 shall be provided prior to or at the time the bill or resolution is first heard by the committee of reference in the house of origin.
When a fiscal note has been prepared for a bill or resolution, a copy of the fiscal note shall be placed in the bill books or otherwise attached to the bill or resolution and shall remain with the bill or resolution throughout the legislative process insofar as possible. For bills increasing taxes or fees, the cost projection and other information required by RCW
43.135.031 shall be placed in the bill books or otherwise attached to the bill or resolution and shall remain with the bill or resolution throughout the legislative process insofar as possible.