PDFRCW 50B.04.060

Eligible beneficiariesDeterminationServices and benefits.

(1) Beginning July 1, 2026, approved services must be available and benefits payable to a registered long-term services and supports provider on behalf of an eligible beneficiary under this section.
(2) Beginning July 1, 2026, a qualified individual may become an eligible beneficiary by filing an application with the department of social and health services and undergoing an eligibility determination which includes an evaluation that the individual requires assistance with at least three activities of daily living. The department of social and health services must engage sufficient qualified assessor capacity, including via contract, so that the determination may be made within 45 days from receipt of a request by a beneficiary to use a benefit.
(3)(a) An eligible beneficiary may receive approved services and benefits through the program in the form of a benefit unit payable to a registered long-term services and supports provider.
(b) Except as limited in RCW 50B.04.050(2), an eligible beneficiary may not receive more than the dollar equivalent of 365 benefit units over the course of the eligible beneficiary's lifetime.
(i) If the department of social and health services reimburses a long-term services and supports provider for approved services provided to an eligible beneficiary and the payment is less than the benefit unit, only the portion of the benefit unit that is used shall be taken into consideration when calculating the person's remaining lifetime limit on receipt of benefits.
(ii) Eligible beneficiaries may combine benefit units to receive more approved services per day as long as the total number of lifetime benefit units has not been exceeded.
[ 2022 c 1 § 4; 2019 c 363 § 7.]


Effective date2022 c 1: See note following RCW 50B.04.020.