(1) The department shall establish in rule a new medicaid payment system for contracted assisted living, adult residential care, and enhanced adult residential care. Beginning July 1, 2019, payments for these contracts must be based on the new methodology which must be phased-in to full implementation according to funding made available by the legislature for this purpose. The new payment system must have these components: Client care, operations, and room and board.
(2) Client care is the labor component of the system and must include variables to recognize the time and intensity of client care and services, staff wages, and associated fringe benefits. The wage variable in the client care component must be adjusted according to service areas based on labor costs.
(a) The time variable is used to weight the client care payment to client acuity and must be scaled according to the classification levels utilized in the department's assessment tool. The initial system shall establish a variable for time using the residential care time study conducted in 2001 and the department's corresponding estimate of the average staff hours per client by job position.
(b) The wage variable shall include recognition of staff positions needed to perform the functions required by contract, including nursing services. Data used to establish the wage variable must be adjusted so that no baseline wage is below the state minimum in effect at the time of implementation. The wage variable is a blended wage based on the federal bureau of labor statistics wage data and the distribution of time according to staff position. Blended wages are established for each county and then counties are arrayed from highest to lowest. Service areas are established and the median blended wage in each service area becomes the wage variable for all the assigned counties in that service area. The system must have no less than two service areas, one of which shall be a high labor cost service area and shall include counties at or above the ninety-fifth percentile in the array of blended wages.
(c) The fringe benefit variable recognizes employee benefits and payroll taxes. The factor to calculate the percentage of fringe benefits shall be established using the statewide nursing facility cost ratio of benefits and payroll taxes to in-house wages.
(3) The operations component must recognize costs that are allowable under federal medicaid rules for the federal matching percentage. The operations component is calculated at ninety percent or greater of the statewide median nursing facility costs associated with the following:
(a) Supplies;
(b) Nonlabor administrative expenses;
(c) Staff education and in-service training; and
(d) Operational overhead including licenses, insurance, and business and occupational [occupation] taxes.
(4) The room and board component recognizes costs that do not qualify for federal financial participation under medicaid rules by compensating providers for the medicaid client's share of raw food and shelter costs including expenses related to the physical plant such as property taxes, property and liability insurance, debt service, and major capital repairs. The room and board component is subject to the department's and the Washington state health care authority's rules related to client financial responsibility.
(5) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section establish the rate for medicaid covered services. Subsection (4) of this section establishes the rate for nonmedicaid covered services.
(6) The rates paid on July 1, 2019, shall be based on data from the 2016 calendar year, except for the time variable under subsection (2)(a) of this section. The client care and operations components must be rebased in even-numbered years. Beginning with rates paid on July 1, 2020, wages, benefits and taxes, and operations costs shall be rebased using 2018 data.
(7) Beginning July 1, 2020, the room and board component shall be updated annually subject to the department's and the Washington state health care authority's rules related to client financial responsibility.
Findings—Intent—2018 c 225: "(1) The legislature recognizes that Washington state has done an exemplary service for its citizens by expanding long-term care options for home and community-based services. Thousands of vulnerable low-income adults and seniors that would otherwise be in nursing facilities are able to receive the care they need in their own home, an assisted living unit, or an adult family home located near their family and friends, religious groups or other affiliations, and the neighborhoods they are familiar with. The legislature also recognizes that within the next ten years, the number of Washingtonians age seventy-one and older will grow by approximately sixty-three percent and within the next twenty-three years, this population will be about one hundred twenty percent of what it is today. In order to maintain and grow the current level of cost-effective options for long-term care, it is critical to update state policies including provider payment rates to ensure the availability of enrolled providers is sufficient to serve the number of beneficiaries who wish to remain within geographic proximity to their home community.
(2) The legislature intends to replace the outdated payment system with a new methodology that is:
(a) Transparent and understandable to the providers and the public;
(b) Aligns payments to client acuity and contractual requirements; and
(c) Is supported by relevant, verifiable, and independent data to the extent possible." [
2018 c 225 § 1.]