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| Commissioners." |
(2) They shall cause at least twenty days' notice to be given of the hearing by publishing the same at least once a week for two successive weeks in the official county newspaper. The notice so required to be published may be substantially as follows:
"(Title of cause.) Special Assessment Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that an assessment roll has been filed in the above entitled cause providing for the assessment upon the property benefited of the cost of (here insert brief description of improvement) and that the roll has been set down for hearing on the . . . . day of . . . . . . at . . . . The boundaries of the assessment district are substantially as follows: (here insert an approximate description of the assessment district.) All persons desiring to object to the assessment roll are required to file their objections before said date fixed for the hearing upon the roll, and appear on the day fixed for hearing before the court.
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| Commissioners." |