Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Title 13 RCW
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13.04Basic juvenile court act.
13.06Juvenile offendersConsolidated juvenile services programs.
13.16Places of detention.
13.20Management of detention facilitiesCounties with populations of one million or more.
13.22Juvenile solitary confinement.
13.24Interstate compact for juveniles.
13.32AFamily reconciliation act.
13.34Juvenile court actDependency and termination of parent-child relationship.
13.38Indian child welfare act.
13.40Juvenile justice act of 1977.
13.50Keeping and release of records by juvenile justice or care agencies.
13.60Missing children clearinghouse.
13.64Emancipation of minors.
13.80Learning and life skills grant program.
13.90Vulnerable youth guardianship program.
Action against parent for willful injury to property by minor: RCW 4.24.190.
Age of majority: Chapter 26.28 RCW.
Alcoholic beverage control: Title 66 RCW.
abuse: Chapter 26.44 RCW.
custody or visitation, denial: RCW 26.09.255.
labor: Chapters 26.28, 28A.225, 49.12 RCW.
welfare agencies: Chapter 74.15 RCW.
Children and family services: Chapter 74.14A RCW.
Compulsory school attendance: Chapter 28A.225 RCW.
Council for children and families: Chapter 43.121 RCW.
Firearms: RCW 9.41.080, 9.41.240.
Jurisdiction over Indians as to juvenile delinquency and dependent children: Chapter 37.12 RCW.
Juvenile laws and court processes and proceduresInformational materials: RCW 2.56.130.
Leaving children in parked automobile: RCW 9.91.060.
Out-of-home careSocial study required: RCW 74.13.065.
Public bodies may retain collection agencies to collect public debtsFees: RCW 19.16.500.
Public institutions, division of children and youth services: Chapter 72.05 RCW.
Report of child abuse: Chapter 26.44 RCW.
State institutions: Title 72 RCW.
Tobacco: RCW 26.28.080.
Vacation and modification of judgmentsCauses for enumerated: RCW 4.72.010(5).
WitnessesWho are disqualifiedPrivileged communications: RCW 5.60.060.
Youth development and conservation corps: Chapter 79A.05 RCW.