Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 13.40 RCW
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13.40.010Short titleIntentPurpose.
13.40.030Security guidelinesLegislative reviewLimitations on permissible ranges of confinement.
13.40.0351Equal application of guidelines and standards.
13.40.0357Juvenile offender sentencing standards.
13.40.038County juvenile detention facilitiesPolicyDetention and risk assessment standards.
13.40.040Taking juvenile into custody, groundsDetention of, groundsDetention pending dispositionRelease on bond, conditionsBail jumping.
13.40.042Detention of juvenile suffering from mental disorder or substance use disorder.
13.40.045EscapeesArrest warrants.
13.40.050Detention proceduresNotice of hearingConditions of releaseConsultation with parent, guardian, or custodian.
13.40.054Probation bond or collateralModification or revocation of probation bond.
13.40.058Fines, administrative fees, costs, and surcharges prohibited.
13.40.060Jurisdiction of actionsTransfer of case and records, whenChange in venue, grounds.
13.40.070ComplaintsScreeningFiling informationDiversionModification of community supervisionNotice to parent or guardianProbation counselor acting for prosecutorReferral to community-based, restorative justice, mediation, or reconciliation programs.
13.40.077Recommended prosecuting standards for charging and plea dispositions.
13.40.080Diversion agreementScopeLimitationsRestitution ordersDivertee's rightsDiversion unit's powers and dutiesInterpretersModification.
13.40.087Youth who have been divertedAlleged prostitution or prostitution loitering offensesServices and treatment.
13.40.090Prosecuting attorney as party to juvenile court proceedingsException, procedure.
13.40.100Summons or other notification issued upon filing of informationProcedureOrder to take juvenile into custodyContempt of court, when.
13.40.110Hearing on question of declining jurisdictionHeld, whenFindings.
13.40.120HearingsTime and place.
13.40.127Deferred disposition.
13.40.130Procedure upon plea of guilty or not guilty to information allegationsNoticeAdjudicatory and disposition hearingDisposition standards used in sentencing.
13.40.135Sexual motivation special allegationProcedures.
13.40.140Juveniles entitled to usual judicial rightsNotice ofOpen courtPrivilege against self-incriminationWaiver of rights, when.
13.40.150Disposition hearingScopeFactors to be considered prior to entry of dispositional order.
13.40.160Disposition orderCourt's action prescribedDisposition outside standard rangeRight of appealSpecial sex offender disposition alternative.
13.40.162Special sex offender disposition alternative.
13.40.165Substance use disorder or mental health disposition alternative.
13.40.180Single disposition orderConsecutive terms when two or more offensesLimitationsSeparate disposition orderConcurrent period of community supervision.
13.40.185Disposition orderConfinement under departmental supervision or in juvenile facility, when.
13.40.190Disposition orderRestitution for loss or damageModification of restitution order.
13.40.192Restitution and other legal financial obligationsEnforceabilityTreatment of obligations upon age of eighteen or conclusion of juvenile court jurisdictionExtension of judgment.
13.40.193FirearmsLength of confinement.
13.40.196FirearmsSpecial allegation.
13.40.200Violation of order of restitution, community supervision, or confinementModification of order after hearing.
13.40.205Release from physical custody, whenAuthorized leavesLeave plan and orderNotice.
13.40.210Setting of release dateAdministrative release authorized, whenParole program, revocation or modification of, scopeIntensive supervision programParole officer's right of arrest.
13.40.212Intensive supervision programElements.
13.40.213Juveniles alleged to have committed a prostitution loitering offenseDiversion.
13.40.215Juveniles found to have committed violent or sex offense or stalkingNotification of discharge, parole, leave, release, transfer, or escapeTo whom givenSchool attendanceDefinitions.
13.40.217Juveniles adjudicated of sex offensesRelease of information authorized.
13.40.219Arrest for prostitution or prostitution loiteringAlleged offenderVictim of severe form of trafficking, commercial sex abuse of a minor.
13.40.230Appeal from order of dispositionJurisdictionProcedureScopeRelease pending appeal.
13.40.240Construction of RCW references to juvenile delinquents or juvenile delinquency.
13.40.250Traffic infraction, transit infraction, and civil infraction casesDiversion agreements.
13.40.265Firearm, alcohol, and drug violations.
13.40.280Transfer of juvenile to department of corrections facilityGroundsHearingTermRetransfer to a facility for juveniles.
13.40.285Juvenile offender sentenced to terms in juvenile and adult facilitiesTransfer to department of correctionsTerm of confinement.
13.40.300Commitment of juvenile beyond age 21 prohibitedExceptionsCommitment up to age 25 permitted under certain circumstancesJurisdiction of juvenile court after juvenile's 18th birthday.
13.40.301Department to protect younger children in confinement from older youth confined pursuant to 2018 c 162.
13.40.305Juvenile offender adjudicated of theft of motor vehicle, possession of stolen vehicle, taking motor vehicle without permission in the first degree, taking motor vehicle without permission in the second degreeLocal sanctionsEvaluation.
13.40.308Juvenile offender adjudicated of taking motor vehicle without permission in the first degree, theft of motor vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle, taking motor vehicle without permission in the second degreeMinimum sentences.
13.40.310Transitional treatment program for gang and drug-involved juvenile offenders.
13.40.320Juvenile offender basic training camp program.
13.40.400Applicability of RCW 10.01.040 to chapter.
13.40.430Disparity in disposition of juvenile offendersData collection.
13.40.460Juvenile rehabilitation programsAdministration.
13.40.462Reinvesting in youth program.
13.40.464Reinvesting in youth programGuidelines.
13.40.468Juvenile rehabilitation administrationState quality assurance program.
13.40.470Vulnerable youth committed to residential facilitiesProtection from sexually aggressive youthAssessment process.
13.40.480Student records and informationReasons for releaseWho may request.
13.40.500Community juvenile accountability programsFindingsPurpose.
13.40.510Community juvenile accountability programsEstablishmentProposalsGuidelines.
13.40.511Community juvenile accountability programsStop loss policyFunding for juvenile courtsReport to legislature.
13.40.520Community juvenile accountability programsGrants.
13.40.530Community juvenile accountability programsEffectiveness standards.
13.40.540Community juvenile accountability programsInformation collectionReport.
13.40.550Community juvenile accountability programsShort title.
13.40.560Juvenile accountability incentive account.
13.40.570Sexual misconduct by state employees, contractors.
13.40.580Youth courtsDiversion.
13.40.590Youth court programs.
13.40.600Youth court jurisdiction.
13.40.610Youth court notification of satisfaction of conditions.
13.40.620Appearance before youth court with parent, guardian, or legal custodian.
13.40.630Youth court dispositions.
13.40.650Use of restraints on pregnant youth in custodyAllowed in extraordinary circumstances.
13.40.651Use of restraints on pregnant youth in custodyProvision of information to staff and pregnant youth in custody.
13.40.660Exchange of intimate images by minorsFindingsWork group.
13.40.720Imposition of legal financial obligationsCity, town, or county authority.
13.40.730Community transition services program.
13.40.735Planned releaseNotice to health care insurance provider.
13.40.740Juvenile access to an attorney.
13.40.745Program grantsSex offender evaluation and treatment programs.
13.40.900ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.
Health and dental examination and care for juveniles in detention facilityConsent: RCW 13.04.047.
Juvenile may be both dependent and an offender: RCW 13.04.300.
Treatment of juvenile offenders: RCW 74.14A.030, 74.14A.040.