Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 28B.50 RCW
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28B.50.010Short title.
28B.50.040College districts enumerated.
28B.50.050State board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.060Director of the state system of community and technical collegesAppointmentTermQualificationsSalary and travel expensesDuties.
28B.50.070College boardOrganizationMeetingsQuorumBiennial reportFiscal year.
28B.50.080College boardOffices and office equipment, including necessary expenses.
28B.50.085College boardTreasurerAppointment, duties, bondDepository.
28B.50.090College boardPowers and duties.
28B.50.091Board to waive fees for students finishing their high school education.
28B.50.092Program for military personnelRestrictions as to high school completion program.
28B.50.093Program for military personnelLimitation.
28B.50.094Program for military personnelCosts of funding.
28B.50.095Registration at more than one community and technical college.
28B.50.096Cooperation with workforce training and education coordinating board.
28B.50.097Electronic job bank.
28B.50.098Appointment of trustees for new college district.
28B.50.100Boards of trusteesGenerally.
28B.50.102Boards of trusteesStudent trustee.
28B.50.130Boards of trusteesBylaws, rules, and regulationsChair and vice chairTermsQuorum.
28B.50.140Boards of trusteesPowers and duties.
28B.50.141CreditsStatewide transfer policy and agreementEstablishment.
28B.50.142Treasurer of boardDutiesBond.
28B.50.143Vendor payments, advances or reimbursements for.
28B.50.145Community or technical college faculty senate.
28B.50.150Out-of-district residence not to affect enrollment for state resident.
28B.50.195Intercollegiate coachesMinimum standards encouraged.
28B.50.196Intercollegiate coachesTraining to promote coaching competence and techniques.
28B.50.205AIDS informationCommunity and technical colleges.
28B.50.215Overlapping service areasRegional planning agreements.
28B.50.216Identification and implementation of potential administrative efficiencies, complementary administrative functions, and complementary academic programs within regional areaPlanRetention of cost savingsReports.
28B.50.242Video telecommunications programming.
28B.50.248Effect of child care subsidy eligibility expansionUse of existing resources.
28B.50.250Adult education programs in common school districts, limitationsCertain federal programs, administration.
28B.50.252Districts offering vocational educational programsLocal advisory committeesAdvice on current job needs.
28B.50.254Advisory council on adult educationWorkforce training and education coordinating board to monitor.
28B.50.259Program for dislocated forest products workersWaiver from tuition and fees.
28B.50.271Opportunity grant program.
28B.50.272Opportunity grant programStudent eligibilityFundingPerformance measuresDocumentationAnnual summary.
28B.50.273Identification of grant-eligible programs of study and other job training programsMarketing.
28B.50.274Opportunity partnership program.
28B.50.278Opportunity employment and education centerOpportunity policy work groupReport by college board.
28B.50.281Curriculum development and fundingUse of federal stimulus fundingReportsRecognized programs of study under RCW 28B.50.273Prioritization of workforce training programs.
28B.50.282Evergreen jobs training accountGrants.
28B.50.286Opportunity express account.
28B.50.295Emergency assistance grant program.
28B.50.305Seattle Vocational InstituteFindings.
28B.50.306Seattle Vocational InstituteMissionAdvisory committee to advise.
28B.50.307Seattle Vocational InstituteFunding.
28B.50.320Fees and other incomeDepositDisbursement.
28B.50.328Waivers of tuition and feesScholarshipsEmployment of instructional staff and facultySeattle Vocational Institute.
28B.50.330Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of propertyRevenue bond financingPublic bid.
28B.50.340Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of propertyFinancing by bonds secured by pledge of building fees, grants.
28B.50.350Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of propertyBondsRequirements.
28B.50.360Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of propertyCommunity and technical college capital projects accountDisposition of building fees.
28B.50.370Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community and technical college facilities and acquisition of propertyBondsSources for payment of principal and interest onFunds credited to bond retirement fundPledge to collect building fees.
28B.50.380Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of propertyBondsAdditional powers incident to bond authorization.
28B.50.390Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of propertyRefunding bondsAuthorizedForm, term, issuance, etc.Exchange or sale.
28B.50.400Construction, reconstruction, equipping, and demolition of community college facilities and acquisition of propertyBonds as limited obligation bondsAdditional means to pay principal and interest on.
28B.50.409BondsCommittee advice and consent prerequisite to issuance.
28B.50.440Construction of chapter when part thereof in conflict with federal requirements which are condition precedent to allocation of federal funds.
28B.50.455Compliance with section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973, Title VI of the civil rights act of 1964, and Title IX of the educational amendments of 1972.
28B.50.463Use of false academic credentialsPenalties.
28B.50.465Cost-of-living increasesAcademic employees.
28B.50.468Cost-of-living increasesClassified employees.
28B.50.484Health care service contractsTransferred employees of vocational-technical institutes.
28B.50.489Part-time academic employeesState-mandated benefitsDefinitions.
28B.50.4891Part-time academic employeesState-mandated benefitsReporting eligible employees.
28B.50.4892Part-time academic employeesBest practices compensation and employmentTask forceReport.
28B.50.4893Part-time academic employeesSick leave.
28B.50.4894Part-time academic employeesContinuous health care eligibilityEmployer contributions.
28B.50.510State purchasing and material control, community college purchases.
28B.50.515Community and technical college innovation accountExpendituresStrategic technology planEnterprise resource planning.
28B.50.520Federal funds, receipt of authorized.
28B.50.522Office for adult literacy.
28B.50.528Contracts with adjacent college district for administrative services.
28B.50.530Agreements for use of services or facilities between district boards of trustees and school boards.
28B.50.531Dual high school and college credit for secondary career and technical coursesAgreements.
28B.50.532Completion of industry certificate or credentialAgreements with skill centers.
28B.50.533Contracts with common school districts for occupational and academic programs for high school studentsEnrollment opportunitiesInterlocal agreements.
28B.50.535Community or technical collegeIssuance of high school diploma or certificate.
28B.50.536Test to earn a high school equivalency certificateRulesIssuance of high school equivalency certificate.
28B.50.551Leave provisions.
28B.50.553Attendance incentive program.
28B.50.600School district bondsRedemption of by school district to continue though facility under control of college district board.
28B.50.601School district bondsRedemptionFacilities under administration of college district board.
28B.50.740School district bondsThose issued for community and technical college facilities not considered indebtedness under statutory limitations on.
28B.50.785Publication of transferable college-level coursesCourse lists for one-year academic completion certificates and transferable degrees.
28B.50.789Online course descriptionsRequired materials' cost informationReports.
28B.50.795Bachelor of science in nursing programUniversity Center of North Puget Sound.
28B.50.800Practical nursing credentialOnline curriculum and pathway.
28B.50.805Programs that support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs or career and technical education programsSelection of collegesDevelopment of courses leading to a high-demand applied baccalaureate degree.
28B.50.810Applied baccalaureate degree programs.
28B.50.815Associate degree education for incarcerated adults.
28B.50.820Baccalaureate degree programsAgreements with state universities, regional universities, or the state college.
28B.50.825Bachelor of science degree in computer science.
28B.50.835Exceptional faculty awardsIntent.
28B.50.8351Exceptional faculty awards"Foundation" defined.
28B.50.837Exceptional faculty awardsEstablishedCommunity and technical college faculty awards trust fund.
28B.50.839Exceptional faculty awardsGuidelinesMatching fundsDonationsDisbursements.
28B.50.841Exceptional faculty awardsName of awardDuties of institutionUse of endowment proceeds.
28B.50.843Exceptional faculty awardsDetermination of awardCollective bargaining.
28B.50.844Exceptional faculty awardsEligibility of foundation for matching fundsEndowment fund management.
28B.50.850Faculty tenurePurpose.
28B.50.851Faculty tenureDefinitions.
28B.50.852Faculty tenureRules and regulationsAward of faculty tenureMaximum probationary period.
28B.50.855Faculty tenureWritten agreement embodying terms of employment furnished faculty.
28B.50.856Faculty tenureEvaluation of probationer by review committeeProgress report, acknowledgment of receiptRecommendation as to tenure.
28B.50.857Faculty tenureDecision not to renew probationary appointment, notice by appointing authority, when.
28B.50.859Faculty tenureTenure retained upon reduced work load assignment.
28B.50.860Faculty tenureTenure retained upon administrative appointment.
28B.50.861Faculty tenureDismissal only for sufficient cause.
28B.50.862Faculty tenureCertain grounds constituting sufficient cause.
28B.50.863Faculty tenureReview prior to dismissalScopeRecommendations of review committee.
28B.50.864Faculty tenureAppeal from decision for dismissalProcedure.
28B.50.867Faculty tenureTenure rights upon transfer of employment to another community or technical college.
28B.50.868Faculty tenureFaculty members currently employed granted tenure.
28B.50.869Faculty tenureReview committees, compositionSelection of faculty representatives, student representative.
28B.50.870Faculty tenureFor certain educational programs operated in state correctional institutions.
28B.50.872Periodic posttenure evaluation.
28B.50.873Reduction in force of tenured or probationary faculty members due to financial emergencyConditionsProcedureRights.
28B.50.874Transfer of administration of vocational-technical institutes to system of community and technical collegesPersonnel rights.
28B.50.8742Technical collegesEmployee option to reenroll in public employees' benefits trust.
28B.50.8744Technical collegesPayment to public employees' and retirees' insurance account.
28B.50.875Laboratory services for the analyzing of samples, public agencies may contract with college for.
28B.50.877Technical collegesPurchase of support services from school districts.
28B.50.880ApprenticesRecommendations of the state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.890ApprenticesAssociate degree pathway.
28B.50.891Apprenticeship programs or certificate programsTransferable course credits.
28B.50.895Apprentice education waivers.
28B.50.902Centers of excellence.
28B.50.903Coordination and alignment of aerospace training programsAerospace and advanced materials manufacturing pipeline advisory committee.
28B.50.912Transfer of powers from superintendent of public instruction and state board of education to state board for community and technical colleges.
28B.50.913Transfer of powers from Washington institute for applied technology to Seattle Vocational Institute.
28B.50.916Students experiencing homelessness and foster youth program.
28B.50.920Diversity, equity, and inclusionStrategic plansStudent-based organizationsOutreach programsModel faculty diversity programs.
28B.50.925Guided pathwaysImplementationReports.
28B.50.930Mental health counselor pilot program.
28B.50.935Faculty counselorsMinimum standards.
28B.50.940Student aid outreach and completion initiative pilot programOutreach specialists.
28B.50.980ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.
Actions against educational boardsDefenseCostsPayment of obligations from liability account: RCW 28B.10.840, 28B.10.842.
AIDS information: Chapter 70.24 RCW.
British ColumbiaTuition and feesReciprocity with Washington: RCW 28B.15.756.
Commercial activities by institutions of higher educationDevelopment of policies governing: Chapter 28B.63 RCW.
Community education programs: RCW 28A.620.020.
Department of social and health services (including division of vocational rehabilitation): Chapter 43.20A RCW.
Development of methods and protocols for measuring educational costs: RCW 43.41.415.
Dual credit programsAnnual report: RCW 28A.600.280.
Educational boards, insurance to protect and hold personally harmless: RCW 28B.10.840, 28B.10.844.
Eye protection, public educational institutions: See RCW 70.100.010 through 70.100.040.
Governing body of recognized student association at college or university, open public meetings act applicable to: RCW 42.30.200.
IdahoTuition and feesReciprocity with Washington: RCW 28B.15.750.
OregonTuition and feesReciprocity with Washington: RCW 28B.15.730 through 28B.15.734.