PDFWAC 72-171-150

Admission and placementAnnual review.

(1) Upon a referral for admission and placement from a parent, legal guardian, emancipated minor, adult student, or local educational agency (LEA), a Washington state school for the blind admissions team will assess the appropriateness of placement of a visually impaired student residing in the state of Washington as provided for under this chapter.
(2) Applications for placement shall be in writing and shall include the reason for referral. Reasons for referral to the state school for the blind may include, but are not limited to: Vision specific services not readily available in the local school district, need for more intensive vision specific services, adaptive aids and appliances, greater array of vision support services, social skill development, leisure time skill development, and organization skill development.
(3) The LEA will be notified if the referral is from a parent and the student's records will be requested. The following records must be received prior to review by the school's admissions team: Complete application materials, most recent IEP, most recent three-year summary assessment or evaluation, psychological records, transcripts (for high school students), all records subject to disclosure under RCW 28A.225.330, including, but not limited to: History of disciplinary actions, criminal or violent behavior, or other behavior that indicates the student could be a threat to the safety of educational staff or other students.
(4) The admissions team shall review the records and if the information is complete, determine whether to proceed with or terminate the application.
(5) Placement of a student at the state school for the blind shall be determined at an IEP meeting conducted pursuant to WAC 392-172A-03090 through 392-172A-03115, 72-171-150(9) and 72-171-200.
(6) The determination of the appropriate placement for a student shall be based upon:
(a) The student's individualized education program (IEP);
(b) The least restrictive environment requirements of WAC 392-172A-02050 through 392-172A-02070; provided that the IEP team may conclude that a student will receive greater benefit from education in a specialized setting due to specific instructional and related service needs such that the least restrictive environment and appropriate placement for a student may be WSSB;
(c) The placement option(s) that provides a reasonably high probability of assisting the student to attain their annual goals;
(d) A consideration of any potential harmful effect on the student or on the quality of services which they need; and
(e) The status of the student as an adjudicated sex offender classified as risk Level II or III in the state of Washington or the equivalent under the laws of the state in which the student resides.
(7) The decision on the educational placement shall be made by a group of persons, including the parents, the LEA, and other persons knowledgeable about the student, the evaluation data, and the placement options.
(8) Pursuant to RCW 72.40.040(4) and 72.40.050(2), admission and retention at the Washington state school for the blind may be denied for a student who is an adjudicated sex offender.
(9) The educational placement of each student shall be determined at least annually at a meeting conducted pursuant to WAC 72-171-150(5).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022, 34.05.220, 34.05.250, 28A.155.010, and 42.56.100. WSR 24-16-108, § 72-171-150, filed 8/5/24, effective 9/5/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022 and 28A.155.010. WSR 16-13-070, § 72-171-150, filed 6/13/16, effective 7/14/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022. WSR 01-16-022, § 72-171-150, filed 7/20/01, effective 8/20/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022 and 20 U.S.C. §§1401, 1412-1417. WSR 90-16-008, § 72-171-150, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90.]