PDFWAC 110-15-0024

Categorical eligibility.

(1) Families with children are eligible for WCCC benefits for a 12-month period if the consumer is a Washington state resident and their children are living with a biological parent or guardian and:
(a) In the six months prior to application or reapplication for WCCC benefits, the family received:
(i) Child protective services (CPS) as defined and used by chapters 26.44 and 74.13 RCW; or
(ii) Child welfare services as defined and used by chapter 74.13 RCW; or
(iii) Services through a family assessment response, as defined and used by chapter 26.44 RCW; and
(iv) The family has been referred for child care as part of the family's case management as defined by RCW 74.13.020; or
(b) The children's parent or guardian:
(i) Is participating in or is listed as a victim in a case in a specialty or therapeutic court as defined by RCW 2.30.020; and
(ii) Was referred for child care as part of the specialty court or therapeutic court proceedings.
(2) Families eligible for WCCC under this section will:
(a) Have no copayment;
(b) Be authorized for full-time child care regardless of participation in an approved activity; and
(c) Be eligible to have benefits paid only to a provider that meets the requirements in WAC 110-15-0125.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 222, 2023 c 294, and chapter 43.216 RCW. WSR 24-17-059, § 110-15-0024, filed 8/15/24, effective 9/15/24. Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.215 and 43.216 RCW. WSR 23-23-082, § 110-15-0024, filed 11/13/23, effective 12/14/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.055 and 43.216.065. WSR 19-12-058, § 110-15-0024, filed 5/31/19, effective 7/1/19.]