(1) Subject to available funds, DCYF will provide trauma-informed care support to aid eligible providers. For the purposes of this section, "eligible providers" means:
(a) An employee or owner of a licensed or certified child care center or outdoor nature-based program that accepts WCCC or SCC payments;
(b) An employee or owner of a licensed family home child care provider that accepts WCCC or SCC payments;
(c) A contractor or provider of the early childhood education and assistance program or birth to three early childhood education and assistance program;
(d) A license-exempt family, friends, and neighbors (FFN) provider accepting subsidy; or
(e) An early achievers coach.
(2) Trauma-informed care supports may be used by eligible providers for the following purposes:
(a) Additional compensation for individual staff who have a DCYF-approved infant and early childhood mental health credential or other DCYF-approved child development specialty credential;
(b) The purchase of screening tools, assessment materials, and relevant training associated with the use of such screening tools and assessment materials;
(c) Trauma-informed professional development and training;
(d) Supportive services for children with complex needs that are offered as fee-for-service within local communities; or
(e) Other expenses related to trauma-informed care.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.216.590. WSR 23-12-039, § 110-15-0211, filed 5/30/23, effective 6/30/23.]