PDFWAC 132P-33-165

Distribution and posting of materials.

Students may distribute or post printed or published material subject to procedures available in the office of student life. All free publications not in violation of local, state and/or federal laws, such as books, magazines, newspapers, leaflets or similar materials may be distributed on campus. The college may restrict the distribution of any publications where such distribution unreasonably interferes with college operations. Such materials may be distributed from authorized public areas consistent with the maintenance of college property, with the free flow of traffic and persons, and not in the manner that, in itself, limits the orderly operation of college affairs. Any student desiring to distribute such publications shall first register with the office of student life so that reasonable areas and times can be assured and prevent undue interference with the activities of the institution. All publications shall bear identification as to the publishing agency and distributing organization or individual.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 14-21-099, ยง 132P-33-165, filed 10/15/14, effective 1/5/15.]