CO2e | = | MWh × TL × EFunsp | (Eq. 124-1) |
Where: |
| CO2e | = | Annual CO2 equivalent mass emissions from the unspecified electricity deliveries at each point of receipt identified (MT of CO2e). |
| MWh | = | Megawatt-hours of unspecified electricity deliveries at each point of receipt identified. |
| EFunsp | = | Default emission factor for unspecified electricity imports. |
| EFunsp | = | 0.428 MT of CO2e/MWh. |
| TL | = | Transmission loss correction factor. |
| TL | = | TL = 1.02 to account for transmission losses between the busbar and measurement at the first point of receipt in Washington. |
(ii) Calculating GHG emissions from specified facilities or units. For electricity from specified facilities or units, including electricity that is deemed, designated, assigned, or attributed by a centralized electricity market, the electric power entity must calculate emissions using the following equation:
CO2e | = | MWh × TL × EFsp | (Eq. 124-2) |
Where: |
| CO2e | = | Annual CO2 equivalent mass emissions from the specified electricity deliveries from each facility or unit claimed (MT of CO2e). |
| MWh | = | Megawatt-hours of specified electricity deliveries from each facility or unit claimed. |
| EFsp | = | Facility-specific or unit-specific emission factor published on the ecology website and calculated using total emissions and transactions data as described below. The emission factor is based on data from the year prior to the reporting year. |
| TL | = | Transmission loss correction factor. |
| TL | = | 1.02 to account for transmission losses associated with generation outside of a Washington state balancing authority, including electricity from a centralized electricity market that does not account for losses in attribution of energy to Washington. |
| TL | = | 1.0 if the reporting entity provides documentation that demonstrates to the satisfaction of a verifier and ecology that transmission losses have been accounted for, or are compensated by using electricity sourced from within Washington state, or for electricity from a centralized electricity market that accounts for a two percent transmission loss factor in the attribution of energy to Washington. |
(A) Ecology shall calculate facility-specific or unit-specific emission factors and publish them on the ecology website using the following equation:
Where: |
| Esp | = | CO2e emissions for a specified facility or unit for the report year (MT of CO2e). |
| EG | = | Net generation from a specified facility or unit for the report year shall be based on data reported to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). |
(B) To register a specified unit(s) source of power, the reporting entity must provide to ecology unit level GHG emissions consistent with the data source requirements of this section and net generation data as reported to the EIA, along with contracts for delivery of power from the specified unit(s) to the reporting entity, and proof of direct delivery of the power by the reporting entity as an import to Washington state.
(I) For specified facilities or units whose operators are subject to this chapter or whose owners or operators voluntarily report under this chapter, Esp shall be equal to the sum of CO2e emissions reported pursuant to this section.
(II) For specified facilities or units whose operators are not subject to reporting under this chapter or whose owners or operators do not voluntarily report under this chapter, but are subject to the U.S. EPA GHG Mandatory Reporting Regulation, Esp shall be based on GHG emissions reported to U.S. EPA pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Part 98. For GHG emissions reported to U.S. EPA pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Part 98, if it is not possible to isolate the emissions that are directly related to electricity production, ecology may calculate Esp based on EIA data. Emissions from combustion of biomass-derived fuels will be based on EIA data until such time the emissions are reported to U.S. EPA.
(III) For specified facilities or units whose operators are not subject to reporting under this chapter or whose owners or operators do not voluntarily report under this chapter, nor are subject to the U.S. EPA GHG Mandatory Reporting Regulation, Esp is calculated using heat of combustion data reported to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) as shown below.
Esp | = | 0.001 × Σ(Q x EF) | (Eq. 124-4) |
Where: |
| 0.001 | = | Conversion factor kg to MT |
| Q | = | Heat of combustion for each specified fuel type from the specified facility or unit for the report year (MMBtu). For cogeneration, Q is the quantity of fuel allocated to electricity generation consistent with EIA reporting. For geothermal electricity, Q is the steam data reported to EIA (MMBtu). |
| EF | = | CO2e emission factor for the specified fuel type as required by this chapter (kg CO2e/MMBtu). For geothermal electricity, EF is the estimated CO2 emission factor published by EIA. |
(IV) Facilities or units will be assigned an emission factor by the ecology based on the type of fuel combusted or the technology used when a U.S. EPA GHG Report or EIA fuel consumption report is not available, including new facilities and facilities located outside the U.S.
(V) Meter data requirement. For verification purposes, electric power entities shall retain meter generation data to document that the power claimed by the reporting entity was generated by the facility or unit at the time the power was directly delivered.
(VI) A lesser of analysis is applicable to imports from specified sources for which ecology has calculated an emission factor of zero, and for imports from Washington renewable portfolio standard (RPS) eligible resources, excluding the following: Dynamically tagged power deliveries; nuclear power; asset controlling supplier power; and imports from hydroelectric facilities for which an entity's share of metered output on an hourly basis is not established by power contract. A lesser of analysis is required pursuant to the following equation:
Sum of Lesser of MWh | = | ΣHMsp min (MGsp*Ssp, TGsp) | (Eq. 124-5) |
Where: |
| ΣHMsp | = | Sum of the Hourly Minimum of MGsp and TGsp (MWh). |
| MGsp | = | Metered facility or unit net generation (MWh). |
| Ssp | = | Entity's share of metered output, if applicable. |
| TGsp | = | Tagged or transmitted energy at the transmission or subtransmission level imported to Washington (MWh). |
(iii) Calculating GHG emissions of imported electricity supplied by asset-controlling suppliers. Based on annual reports submitted to ecology pursuant to WAC
173-441-070(3), ecology will calculate and publish on the ecology website the system emission factor for all asset-controlling suppliers recognized by the ecology. The reporting entity must calculate emissions for electricity supplied using the following equation:
CO2e | = | MWh × TL × EFacs | (Eq. 124-6) |
Where: |
| CO2 | = | Annual CO2 equivalent mass emissions from the specified electricity deliveries from ecology-recognized asset-controlling suppliers (MT of CO2e). |
| MWh | = | Megawatt-hours of specified electricity deliveries. |
| EFACS | = | Asset-Controlling Supplier system emission factor published on the ecology website (MT CO 2e/MWh). Ecology will assign the system emission factors for all asset-controlling suppliers based on a previously verified GHG report submitted to ecology pursuant to WAC 173-441-070(3). The supplier-specific system emission factor is calculated annually by ecology. The calculation is derived from data contained in annual reports submitted that have received a positive or qualified positive verification statement. The emission factor is based on data from two years prior to the reporting year. |
| TL | = | Transmission loss correction factor. |
| TL | = | 1.02 when deliveries are not reported as measured at a first point of receipt located within the balancing authority area of the asset-controlling supplier. |
| TL | = | 1.0 when deliveries are reported as measured at a first point of receipt located within the balancing authority area of the asset-controlling supplier. |
Ecology must calculate the system emission factor for asset-controlling suppliers using the following equations:
EFACS | = | Sum of System Emissions MT of CO2e/Sum of System MWh | (Eq. 124-7) |
Sum of System Emissions, MT of CO2e | = | ΣEasp + Σ(PEsp * EFsp) + Σ(PEunsp * EFunsp) - Σ(SEsp * EFsp) | (Eq. 124-8) |
Sum of System MWh | = | ΣEGasp + ΣPEsp + ΣPEunsp - ΣSEsp | (Eq. 124-9) |
Where: |
| ΣEasp | = | Emissions from owned facilities. Sum of CO2e emissions from each specified facility/unit in the asset-controlling supplier's fleet (MT of CO2e). |
| ΣEGasp | = | Net generation from owned facilities. Sum of net generation for each specified facility/unit in the asset-controlling supplier's fleet for the data year as reported to ecology under this chapter (MWh). |
| PEsp | = | Electricity purchased from specified sources. Amount of electricity purchased wholesale and taken from specified sources by the asset-controlling supplier for the data year as reported to ecology under this chapter (MWh). |
| PEunsp | = | Electricity purchased from unspecified sources. Amount of electricity purchased wholesale from unspecified sources by the asset-controlling supplier for the data year as reported to ecology under this chapter (MWh). |
| SEsp | = | Electricity sold from specified sources. Amount of wholesale electricity sold from specified sources by the asset-controlling supplier for the data year as reported to ecology under this chapter (MWh). |
| EFsp | = | CO2e emission factor as defined for each specified facility or unit calculated consistent with (b)(ii) of this subsection (MT CO2e/MWh). |
| EFunsp | = | Default emission factor for unspecified sources calculated consistent with (b)(i) of this subsection (MT CO2e/MWh). |
(iv) Calculating GHG emissions of imported electricity for multijurisdictional retail providers. Multijurisdictional retail providers must include emissions and megawatt-hours in the terms below from facilities or units that contribute to a common system power pool. Multijurisdictional retail providers do not include emissions or megawatt-hours in the terms below from facilities or units allocated to serve retail loads in designated states pursuant to a cost allocation methodology approved by the Washington state utilities and transportation commission and the utility regulatory commission of at least one additional state in which the multijurisdictional retail provider provides retail electric service. For multijurisdictional consumer-owned utilities, the cost allocation methodology must be approved by its governing board. Multijurisdictional retail providers must calculate emissions that have a compliance obligation using the following equation:
CO2e | = | (MWhR x TLR - MWhWSP-WA - EGWA) x EFMJRP-notWA + MWhSP-notWA x TLWSP x EFunsp - CO2e linked | (Eq. 124-10) |
Where: |
| CO2e | = | Annual CO2e mass emissions of imported electricity (MT of CO2e). |
| MWhR | = | Total electricity procured by multijurisdictional retail provider to serve its retail customers in Washington, reported as retail sales for Washington state service territory, MWh. |
| MWhWSP-WA | = | Wholesale electricity procured in Washington state by multijurisdictional retail provider to serve its retail customers in Washington state, as determined by the first point of receipt on a e-tag and pursuant to a cost allocation methodology approved by the Washington state utilities and transportation commission (UTC) and the utility regulatory commission of at least one additional state in which the multijurisdictional retail provider provides retail electric service, MWh. For multijurisdictional consumer-owned utilities, the cost allocation methodology must be approved by its governing board. |
| MWhWSP-not WA | = | Wholesale electricity imported into Washington state by multijurisdictional retail provider with a final point of delivery in Washington state and not used to serve its Washington state retail customers, MWh. |
| EFMJRP-not WA | = | Multijurisdictional retail provider system emission factor for out-of-state generation calculated by ecology and consistent with a cost allocation methodology approved by the Washington state utilities and transportation commission and the utility regulatory commission of at least one additional state in which the multijurisdictional retail provider provides retail electric service. For multijurisdictional consumer-owned utilities, the cost allocation methodology must be approved by its governing board. |
| EFunsp | = | Default emission factor for unspecified sources calculated consistent with this section (MT CO2e/MWh). |
| EGWA | = | Net generation measured at the busbar of facilities and units located in Washington state that are allocated to serve its retail customers in Washington state pursuant to a cost allocation methodology approved by the Washington state utilities and transportation commission and the utility regulatory commission of at least one additional state in which the multijurisdictional retail provider provides retail electric service, MWh. For multijurisdictional consumer-owned utilities, the cost allocation methodology must be approved by its governing board. |
| TL | = | Transmission loss correction factor. |
| TL WSP | = | 1.02 for transmission losses applied to wholesale power. |
| TL R | = | Estimate of transmission losses from busbar to end user reported by multijurisdictional retail provider. |
| CO2e linked | = | Annual CO 2e mass emissions recognized by ecology pursuant to linkage under chapter 70A.65 RCW, as described in chapter 173-446 WAC (MT of CO 2e). |
(c) Additional requirements for retail providers, excluding multijurisdictional retail providers. Retail providers must include the following information in the GHG emissions data report for each report year, in addition to the information identified in (a)(i), (ii), and (vii) of this subsection.
(i) Retail providers must report Washington state retail sales. A retail provider who is required only to report retail sales may choose not to apply the verification requirements specified in WAC
173-441-085, if the retail provider deems the emissions data report nonconfidential.
(ii) Retail providers may elect to report the subset of retail sales attributed to the electrification of shipping ports, truck stops, and motor vehicles if metering is available to separately track these sales from other retail sales.
(iii) Retail providers that report as electricity importers or exporters also must separately report electricity imported from specified and unspecified sources by other electric power entities to serve their load, designating the electricity importer. In addition, all imported electricity transactions documented by e-tags where the retail provider is the PSE at the sink must be reported.
(d) Additional requirements for multijurisdictional retail providers. Multijurisdictional retail providers that provide electricity into Washington state at the distribution level must include the following information in the GHG emissions data report for each report year, in addition to the information identified elsewhere in this section.
(i) A report of the electricity transactions and GHG emissions associated with the common power system or contiguous service territory that includes consumers in Washington state. This includes the requirements in this section as applicable for each generating facility or unit in the multijurisdictional retail provider's fleet;
(ii) The multijurisdictional retail provider must include in its emissions data report wholesale power purchased and taken (MWh) from specified and unspecified sources and wholesale power sold from specified sources according to the specifications in this section, and as required for ecology to calculate a supplier-specific emission factor;
(iii) Total retail sales (MWh) by the multijurisdictional retail provider in the contiguous service territory or power system that includes consumers in Washington state;
(iv) Retail sales (MWh) to Washington state customers served in Washington state's portion of the service territory;
(v) Retail sales derived from each centralized electricity market;
(vi) GHG emissions associated with the imported electricity, including both Washington state retail sales and wholesale power imported into Washington state from the retail provider's system, according to the specifications in this section;
(vii) Multijurisdictional retail providers that serve Washington state load must claim as specified power all power purchased or taken from facilities or units in which they have operational control or an ownership share or written power contract;
(viii) Multijurisdictional retail providers that serve Washington state load may elect to exclude information listed in this section when registering claims to specified power from facilities located outside Washington state and participating in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's PURPA Qualifying Facility program.
(e) Additional requirements for asset-controlling suppliers. Owners or operators of electricity generating facilities or exclusive marketers for certain generating facilities may apply for an asset-controlling supplier designation from ecology. Approved asset-controlling suppliers may request that ecology calculate or adopt a supplier-specific emission factor pursuant to this section. To apply for asset-controlling supplier designation, the applicant must:
(i) Meet the requirements in this chapter, including reporting pursuant as applicable for each generating facility or unit in the supplier's fleet;
(ii) Include in its emissions data report wholesale power purchased and taken (MWh) from specified and unspecified sources and wholesale power sold from specified sources according to the specifications in this section, and as required for ecology to calculate a supplier-specific emission factor;
(iii) Retain for verification purposes documentation that the power sold by the supplier originated from the supplier's fleet of facilities and either that the fleet is under the supplier's operational control or that the supplier serves as the fleet's exclusive marketer;
(iv) Provide the supplier-specific ecology identification number to electric power entities who purchase electricity from the supplier's system.
(v) To apply for and maintain asset-controlling supplier status, the entity shall submit as part of its emissions data report the following information, annually:
(A) General business information, including entity name and contact information;
(B) List of officer names and titles;
(C) Data requirements as prescribed by ecology;
(D) A list and description of electricity generating facilities that the reporting entity anticipates will be part of its greenhouse gas report; and
(E) An attestation, in writing and signed by an authorized officer of the applicant, as follows:
(I) "I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am duly authorized by (name of entity) to sign this attestation on behalf of (name of entity), that (name of entity) meets the definition of an asset-controlling supplier as specified in this section and that the information submitted herein is true, accurate, and complete."
(II) Asset-controlling suppliers must annually adhere to all reporting and verification requirements of this chapter, or be removed from asset-controlling supplier designation. Asset-controlling suppliers will also lose their designation if they receive an adverse verification statement, but may reapply in the following year for redesignation.
(f) Requirements for claims of specified sources of electricity. Each reporting entity claiming specified facilities or units for imported or exported electricity, including deemed market importers, must register its anticipated specified sources with ecology as part of their greenhouse gas report to obtain associated emission factors calculated by ecology for use in the emissions data report required to be submitted by the report submission due date in WAC
173-441-050 (2)(a). If an operator fails to register a specified source by February 1st for sources used the previous year, the operator must use the emission factor provided by ecology for a specified facility or unit in the emissions data report required to be submitted by the report submission due date in WAC
173-441-050 (2)(a). Each reporting entity claiming specified facilities or units for imported or exported electricity must also meet requirements in the emissions data report.
(i) Registration information for specified sources. The following information is required:
(A) The facility names and, for specification to the unit level, the facility and unit names.
(B) For sources with a previously assigned ecology identification number, the ecology facility or unit identification number or supplier number published on ecology's website. For newly specified sources, ecology will assign a unique identification number.
(C) If applicable, the facility and unit identification numbers as used for reporting to the U.S. EPA Acid Rain Program, U.S. EPA pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Part 98, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's PURPA Qualifying Facility program, as applicable.
(D) The physical address of each facility, including jurisdiction.
(E) Provide names of facility owner and operator.
(F) The percent ownership share and whether the facility or unit is under the electricity importer's operational control.
(G) Total facility or unit gross and net nameplate capacity when the electricity importer is a GPE.
(H) Total facility or unit gross and net generation when the electricity importer is a GPE.
(I) Start date of commercial operation and, when applicable, date of repowering.
(J) GPEs claiming additional capacity at an existing facility must include the implementation date, the expected increase in net generation (MWh), and a description of the actions taken to increase capacity.
(K) Designate whether the facility or unit is a newly specified source, a continuing specified source, or was a specified source in the previous report year that will not be specified in the current report year.
(L) Provide the primary technology or fuel type as listed below:
(I) Variable renewable resources by type, defined for purposes of this chapter as pure solar, pure wind, and run-of-river hydroelectricity;
(II) Hybrid facilities such as solar thermal;
(III) Hydroelectric facilities ≤ 30 MW, not run-of-river;
(IV) Hydroelectric facilities ≥ 30 MW;
(V) Geothermal binary cycle plant or closed loop system;
(VI) Geothermal steam plant or open loop system;
(VII) Units combusting biomass-derived fuel, by primary fuel type;
(VIII) Nuclear facilities;
(IX) Cogeneration by primary fuel type;
(X) Fossil sources by primary fuel type;
(XI) Co-fired fuels;
(XII) Municipal solid waste combustion;
(XIII) Other.
(ii) Additional information for specified sources. For each claim to a specified source of electricity, the electricity importer must indicate whether one or more of the following descriptions applies:
(A) Deliveries from new facilities. Specified source of electricity is first registered pursuant to this section and delivered by an electricity importer within 12 months of the start date of commercial operation and the electricity importer making a claim in the current data year is either a GPE or purchaser of electricity under a written power contract;
(B) Deliveries from existing facilities with additional capacity. Specified source of electricity is first registered pursuant to this section and delivered by a GPE within 12 months of the start date of an increase in the facility's generating capacity due to increased efficiencies or other capacity increasing actions.
(iii) Additional information for deemed market importers for claims of specified sources of electricity. To receive a positive verification statement upon verification for claims of specified imports from a centralized electricity market, the reporting entity must be able to demonstrate to ecology's satisfaction that the market operator designated, assigned, deemed, or otherwise attributed energy from those resources to Washington. The reporting entity may demonstrate proof of such attribution by settlement records or other information such as that provided by the market operator to the market participant showing that energy offered by the deemed market importer was attributed to Washington. This provision of records and other information must be submitted to ecology by the reporting entity in a manner designated by ecology by May 1st for electricity transactions involving centralized electricity markets in the previous calendar year.
(4) Recordkeeping. GHG inventory program for electric power entities that import or export electricity. In lieu of a GHG monitoring plan, electric power entities that import or export electricity must prepare GHG inventory program documentation that is maintained and available for verifier review and ecology audit pursuant to the recordkeeping requirements of this section. The following information is required:
(a) Information to allow the verification team to develop a general understanding of entity boundaries, operations, and electricity transactions;
(b) Reference to management policies or practices applicable to reporting pursuant to this section;
(c) List of key personnel involved in compiling data and preparing the emissions data report;
(d) Training practices for personnel involved in reporting delivered electricity and responsible for data report certification, including documented training procedures;
(e) Query of e-tag source data to determine the quantity of electricity (MWh) imported, exported, and wheeled for transactions in which they are the purchasing-selling entity on the last physical path segment that crosses the border of Washington state, access to review the raw e-tag data, a tabulated summary, and query description;
(f) Reference to other independent or internal data management systems and records, including written power contracts and associated verbal or electronic records, full or partial ownership, invoices, reports and statements from market operators, and settlements data used to document whether reported transactions are specified or unspecified and whether the requirements for adjustments to covered emissions of chapter
70A.65 RCW, as described in chapter
173-446 WAC are met;
(g) Description of steps taken and calculations made to aggregate data into reporting categories required pursuant to this section;
(h) Records of preventive and corrective actions taken to address verifier and ecology findings of past nonconformances and material misstatements;
(i) Log of emissions data report modifications made after initial certification; and
(j) A written description of an internal audit program that includes emissions data report review and documents ongoing efforts to improve the GHG inventory program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70A.65.080 (1)(c). WSR 24-24-087 (Order 23-01), s 173-441-124, filed 12/3/24, effective 1/3/25. Statutory Authority: RCW
70A.15.2200. WSR 22-05-050 (Order 21-07), § 173-441-124, filed 2/9/22, effective 3/12/22.]