(1) Recording and transcripts. Testimony and argument at the hearing shall be recorded either electronically or stenographically. Any party, upon motion, may order the court reporter to transcribe the proceedings at the party's expense. A party who orders a transcript of the proceedings shall provide the original transcript to the presiding officer at that party's expense, and upon such other terms as the presiding officer shall order.
(2) Correction of transcript. Corrections in the official transcript may be made only to make it conform to the evidence presented at the hearing. The presiding officer may call for the submission of proposed corrections and may dispose of them at appropriate times during the proceeding. If the parties agree and the presiding officer approves, transcript corrections may be incorporated into the record at any time during the hearing or after the close of evidence. All corrections must be made within ten calendar days after receipt of the transcript unless the presiding officer allows a different period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.320.040 and
34.05.250. WSR 96-11-035, ยง 208-08-140, filed 5/6/96, effective 6/6/96.]