Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Credit union" includes a Washington credit union, an out-of-state credit union and a foreign credit union.
(2) "Foreign credit union" means a credit union organized and operating under the laws of another country or other foreign jurisdiction, that is operating a branch in Washington in accordance with RCW
(3) "Hourly fee" means a fee of $64.35 per hour per examiner or other staff person of the division.
(4) "Out-of-state credit union" means a credit union organized and operating under the laws of another state or U.S. territory or possession, that is operating a branch in Washington in accordance with RCW
(5)(a) "Total assets" of a Washington credit union includes all assets of the credit union as reported on the credit union's most recent form 5300 or similar financial report.
(b) "Total assets" of an out-of-state or foreign credit union is derived from the following fraction:
| Total assets x in-state shares and deposits | |
| Total shares and deposits | |
"Total assets" and "shares and deposits" include respectively all assets and shares and deposits as reported on the credit union's most recent form 5300 or similar financial report.
(6) "Washington credit union" means a credit union organized and operating under chapter
31.12 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
43.135 RCW, RCW
31.12.516(6), and 2008 c 285. WSR 08-24-057, § 208-418-010, filed 11/26/08, effective 12/31/08. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.320.040. WSR 01-12-004, § 208-418-010, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/23/01.]