PDFWAC 218-10-020

Eligibility standards.

(1) Only the following investigations, forensic anthropology services, and other testing are eligible for funding assistance:
(a) Investigations of multiple deaths involving unanticipated, extraordinary, and catastrophic events;
(b) Investigations of multiple deaths involving multiple local jurisdictions; and
(c) Forensic anthropology services and other testing designed to aid in the identification of human remains.
(2) Funding assistance shall be limited to supplementations of the death investigation budget of a local jurisdiction.
(3) Funding assistance shall not be used to supplant moneys reasonably available from other state or federal sources.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.103.090(1). WSR 24-16-115, § 218-10-020, filed 8/5/24, effective 9/5/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.103.090 (1)(d). WSR 03-22-012, § 218-10-020, filed 10/24/03, effective 12/1/03.]