(1) License registration: Puget Sound commercial crab license holders, or their designated alternate operators, must register which Crab Management Region to which gear will be deployed for each license they hold prior to the fishery opening date.
(a) Registrations must be updated when gear moves between areas.
(b) The department must be notified if gear is not going to be deployed for a period of 72 hours or longer.
(c) Registrations must be made by registering via the WDFW Puget Sound commercial crabbing web page or via email or text to crab.report@dfw.wa.gov.
(d) Reports must include the following information:
(i) Vessel operator name;
(ii) Vessel name and WDFW-issued vessel ID number;
(iii) Permit number(s) to be fished;
(iv) Crab Management Region to be fished;
(v) Gear deployment date.
(2) Quick reports: Any person originally receiving or purchasing Dungeness crab taken from Puget Sound by nontreaty fishers must report to the department the previous day's purchases by 10:00 a.m. the following day.
(a) Reports must be sent by email or text message to crab.report@dfw.wa.gov, or by using the Puget Sound commercial crab reporting website.
(b) For crab originally received or purchased by a licensed fish buyer, reports must include, for each fish receiving ticket completed by a licensed fish buyer:
(i) The name and department-issued license number of the wholesale fish buyer or limited fish seller;
(ii) The phone number or email address of the wholesale fish buyer or limited fish seller;
(iii) The date of landing of crab; and
(iv) The quantity of pounds of crab delivered, by Crab Management Region (WAC
220-320-110) or by Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area (WAC
(c) Receivers who complete and submit an electronic fish receiving ticket form, which is also received by the department, per the provisions of WAC
220-352-035 are exempted from the requirements of this subsection.
Shellfish transportation tickets: If crab are transported from a vessel prior to completing a fish receiving ticket and not delivered to an original receiver by 5:00 p.m. on the day following the day of harvest, the fisher must complete and submit a commercial fish and shellfish transportation ticket per the provisions of WAC
220-352-230 and submit a transported crab quick report to the department.
(a) "Transported" is intended to include crab stored off, but in close proximity to, a vessel with Puget Sound commercial crab license beyond 5:00 p.m. on the day following the day of harvest and prior to delivery to an original receiver.
(b) "Stored" is intended to include crab removed from, and stored in close proximity to, a vessel with a Puget Sound commercial crab license prior to delivery to an original receiver up until 5:00 p.m. the day following the day of harvest.
(c) Each day's harvest that is not delivered to a licensed fish buyer by 5:00 p.m. on the day following the day of harvest must be recorded separately on a commercial fish and shellfish transportation ticket(s).
(4) Stored or transported crab quick reports: Stored or transported crab quick reports must be submitted by the fisher and received by the department by 10:00 a.m. the day following the day crab are offloaded from the vessel. Reports must be made using the department-provided electronic forms on the Puget Sound commercial crab reporting website, or by email or text to crab.report@dfw.wa.gov. Reports must include:
(a) Fisher name;
(b) WDFW-issued vessel ID number;
(c) Puget Sound commercial crab license number;
(d) Date of harvest;
(e) The quantity of pounds of crab retained by Crab Management Region or by Marine Fish-Shellfish Catch Reporting Area;
(f) Shellfish transportation ticket number(s).
(5) Sale of stored or transported crab quick report: Commercial harvesters of crab in Puget Sound must report to the department the delivery of stored or transported crab to an original receiver. Reports are due by 10:00 a.m. the day following the delivery. Reports must be made using the department-provided electronic forms on the Puget Sound commercial crab reporting website, or by email or text to crab.report@dfw.wa.gov. Reports must contain:
(a) Fisher name;
(b) WDFW-issued vessel ID number;
(c) Puget Sound commercial crab license number;
(d) Date of sale;
(e) Dealer name;
(f) Commercial shellfish transportation ticket number(s) associated with the delivered crab; and
(g) Fish receiving ticket number(s) corresponding to landing date of delivery.