(1) All pump chambers, except pump basins, must be designed to meet the following requirements:
(a) Have a minimum volume of 1,000 gallons;
(b) Provide an internal volume to account for the design flow, full-time pump submergence, space for sludge accumulation below the pump inlet and emergency storage volume of at least 75 percent of the design flow;
(c) Follow any applicable DS&G or proprietary product design manual for all OSS components included in the pump chamber; and
(2) For the purposes of this section, "pump basin" means a watertight receptacle that contains a pump to convey sewage from a limited use area that is separate from the main wastewater sewer pipe leaving a structure, to the main treatment component of an OSS; typically much smaller than a pump chamber and separate from the main sewer pipe due to elevation restrictions. Pump basins are intended for limited, specialized uses, and not intended as a replacement or substitute for a pump chamber. Pump basins must be in compliance with chapter
246-272C WAC.