The purpose of this section is to guide the management and care of patients receiving dialysis services. Hospitals are not required to provide these services in order to be licensed.
If providing renal dialysis care, hospitals must:
(1) Adopt and implement policies and procedures consistent with C.F.R. 42.405, End Stage Renal Disease Facilities for:
(a) Cleaning and sterilization procedures when dialyzers are reused;
(b) Water treatment, to ensure water quality; and
(c) Bacterial contamination and chemical purity water testing;
(2) Test each dialysis machine for bacterial contamination monthly or demonstrate a program establishing the effectiveness of disinfection methods at other intervals;
(3) Take measures to prevent contamination, including backflow prevention in accordance with the state plumbing code;
(4) Keep available any special dialyzing solutions required by a patient;
(5) Define the qualifications and oversight of staff delivering dialysis care;
(6) Require a contractor to meet the requirements in this section, whenever dialysis service is provided through a contract.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.41 RCW and RCW
43.70.040. WSR 09-07-050, ยง 246-320-291, filed 3/11/09, effective 4/11/09.]