(Effective September 1, 2025)

PDFWAC 246-366A-095

Heating and ventilation—Operation and maintenance requirements.

School officials shall:
(1) Heat occupied areas of school buildings during school hours and school-sponsored events to maintain a minimum temperature of sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit except for gymnasiums and hallways, which must be maintained at a minimum temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit.
(2) Ventilate occupied areas of school buildings during school hours and school-sponsored events. During periods of ventilation:
(a) For school facilities constructed or sited under a building permit for which the local permitting jurisdiction received a completed building permit application on or after the effective date of this section, provide, as a minimum, outdoor air according to WAC 51-52-0403, Table 403.3, Required Outdoor Ventilation Air.
(b) For school facilities constructed or sited under a building permit for which the local permitting jurisdiction received a completed building permit application before the effective date of this section, conduct standard operation and maintenance best practices including, but not limited to, making timely repairs, removing obstructions, and replacing filters and fan drive belts, and setting system controls so that, to the extent possible given the design of the ventilation system, outdoor air is provided consistent with WAC 51-52-0403, Table 403.3, Required Outdoor Ventilation Air.
(3) Use and maintain mechanical exhaust ventilation installed for equipment or activities that produce air contaminants of public health importance or moisture.
(4) Limit student exposure to air contaminants of public health importance produced by heat laminators, laser printers, photocopiers, and other office equipment by placing such equipment in appropriately ventilated spaces and providing instruction to users on how to operate and maintain equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.
(5) Take preventive or corrective action when pesticides, herbicides, or air contaminants of public health importance are likely to be drawn or are drawn into the building or ventilation system.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050. WSR 10-01-174, 10-12-018, 11-10-080, 13-09-040, 15-09-070, 17-14-055, 19-14-107, 21-14-056, 22-14-021, 23-16-005, and 24-14-089, § 246-366A-095, filed 12/22/09, 5/21/10, 5/3/11, 4/11/13, 4/15/15, 6/28/17, 7/2/19, 7/1/21, 6/24/22, 7/19/23, and 6/28/24, effective 9/1/25.]