Title of Fee | Fee | |
Original licensure | $1,200.00 | |
Renewal | 600.00 | |
Late renewal | 38.00 | |
Duplicate license | 30.00 | |
Fingerprint processing | per vendor schedule* | |
Appraisal management company national registry | 25.00 per appraiser on the AMC panel who performed an appraisal in a covered transaction as defined in WAC 308-409-020 (2)(c) ** |
* | Fees for the category marked with an asterisk are determined by contract with an outside vendor. |
** | Fees are initial licensure and renewal fees for an appraisal management company national registry in an amount determined by the appraisal subcommittee to be submitted by the state. Title XI requires each state to submit a roster listing of licensed appraisal management companies to the appraisal subcommittee. |